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We are going to present our product, Luna-Wing

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1 We are going to present our product, Luna-Wing
We are going to present our product, Luna-Wing. Luna-Wing is a light-cured indirect composite resin.

2 What Do You Think This Is?
This dragon is made using Luna-Wing. Since Luna-Wing has excellent workability and enough hardness, we can do such detailed work. Made by Shigeru Matsuda, Dental Inc., Fukui Prefecture, Japan.

3 Characteristics of Luna-Wing
Easy Handling & Great Workability Variety of Shade Colors Low Shrinkage Level Proven Biocompatibility Excellent Mechanical Properties Here are five features we would like to talk about for Luna-Wing. Those features from #1 to #3 are for the dental technicians. For #4 and #5, they are related to patients and doctors. 1.Easy Handling 2.Color Reproduction of Natural Tooth (lots of color variety) 3.Low Shrinkage Level 4.Proven Biocompatibility 5.Excellent Mechanical Characteristic

4 Easy Handling & Great Workability
POINT 1: Primer Paste Viscosity As Primer Paste has perfect viscosity, it flows into the undercut area of retention beads easily to enhance the adhesive strength mechanically. Also, with the paste, light curing is secured with a deep light cure depth and this avoids troubles such as removal by occlusion. We are now explaining about the workability of primer paste for Luna-Wing. When using metal, primer paste is used before applying shade opaque. Primer paste has optimal viscosity, and, as you can see the picture, it flows into the undercut area of retention beads easily and also enhances the adhesive strength mechanically. Also, the whitish translucency of primer paste allows for an effective curing undercut area. The white color also works as a shading for the metal, so that opaque layering can be kept thinner in order to avoid immature curing. Pic.1 After Applying Primer Paste Retention Beads Pic.2 Primer Paste After Light Curing Excellent flowing into undercut Paste

5 Easy Handling & Great Workability
POINT 2 Body Resin ① Dentine Series (Cervical, Opaque Dentine) Maintains its form without dripping off during the forming process such as mamelon on dentine layer. ② Enamel Series (Trans Enamel, Translucent, Effect) Prevents air bubble formation by having a viscosity 30% less than Dentine series. We are going to explain about the workability of body resin. There are two kinds of resin; one is called Dentine type such as cervical and opaque dentine, and the other one is Enamel type such as trans enamel, translucent, and effect . The dentine type is designed to maintain its shape, and it won’t be hanging down and stickiness; therefore, it makes it much easier to reproduce mamelon on dentine layer. Luna-Wing Enamel, Translucent and Effect are designed to 30% less consistency than body resins such as Dentine, Cervical, and Opaque Dentine. This consistency prevents from entrapping of air and it fills up the space around mamelon easily.. Mamelon Pic.1 ①Reproducing mamelon      (Using Dentine A3) Preventing air bubble formation Pic.2 ②After forming enamel layer      (Using Translucent)

6 Variety of Shade Colors
Effect Body resin for characterizing 9 colors Stain Paste for characterizing(effective color expression with thin layer) We have a great line-up of nine Effect body resins to characterize colors. Our extensive range of Stain colors comes to a total 21 colors. The three of vivid Stain colors (Blue, Yellow, Red) give you infinite possibilities to create new colors by mixing with other stains. 21 colors Mixing Blue・Yellow・Red allows color adjustment 3 colors + Black 3 colors 3 colors + White

7 Nanofiller & Nano Technology
Luna-Wing is one of the highest-density filler products on the market by using a mix of different-sized inorganic fillers. We are going to explain about the workability of body resin. There are two kinds of resin; one is called Dentine type such as cervical and opaque dentine, and the other one is Enamel type such as trans enamel, translucent, and effect . The dentine type is designed to maintain its shape, and it won’t be hanging down and stickiness; therefore, it makes it much easier to reproduce mamelon on dentine layer. Luna-Wing Enamel, Translucent and Effect are designed to 30% less consistency than body resins such as Dentine, Cervical, and Opaque Dentine. This consistency prevents from entrapping of air and it fills up the space around mamelon easily.. Extremely Low Shrinkage - Only 1.8% Bending Strength Hardness Other Properties

8 Low Shrinkage Level Low High ⇒ High Low High Low
Highly-filled filler makes less curing shrinkage and prevents from cracks and enhances accuracy of matching, especially 3unit bridges.   Curing 3 unit bridge Curing Shrinkage Rate The graph shows shrinkage rate. Composite materials shrink while hardening, and shrinkage may cause cracks and deformations. Luna-Wing exhibits only 1.8% shrinkage rate, meaning it is possible to maintain better quality over long periods of time. The higher filling rate, the lower shrinkage rate and incidence rate for crack as well. Stress = set off cracks Pic.1 Points where cracks easily occur Luna Wing Luna Wing A B C Low High Filling Rate Fig. 1 Curing Shrinkage Rate of Luna Wing Shrinkage High Low Incidence rate for crack High Low

9 Mechanical Properties - Bending Strength
Excellent Bend Strength avoids troubles such as cracks and removal in the mouth better than normal resin. Bend Strength [Mpa] Weight Now, I’d like to talk about mechanical characteristics. To measure bending strength, we’ve examined with the machine. As you can see on the right chart, Luna-Wing has better bending strength compared to the other products. It is confirmed that the strength avoids troubles such as cracks and removal in the mouth. Test Piece25×2×2 Compression stress Tensile stress Pic.1 Examination method is compliant with JIST6517. Luna Wing A B C Luna Wing Luna Wing Fig.1 Bend Strength of Luna Wing

10 Mechanical Properties – Vickers Hardness
Fillers’ particle size is well-adjusted and fillers are formulated with high density and good balance. Especially in the mouth, the degree if abrasion by brushing is decreased and luster is long-lasting. Bar Chart  Left:Hardness of top side  Right:Hardness of bottom side Hardness [Hv0.2] Enamel Now, we would like to talk about Vickers Hardness. Fillers’ particle of Luna-Wing is well-adjusted and fillers are formulated with high density and good balance. (Left side graph), It is natural teeth, composite resin, and hybrid resin. Luna-Wing is located the highest level in the composite resins which is the same level as hybrid resin. Compared to other products, Luna-Wing has much higher hardness. HV Dentine Luna Wing A B C Natural teeth Light-Cured Composite Resin Light&Heat-Cured Composite Resin Fig. 2 Hardness of Luna Wing Fig.1 Comparison of hardness of natural teeth and resin ※1) Examination method is compliant with JIST6517.

11 Proven Biocompatibility
This product conforms to JIS T6517( ISO ), and biocompatibility has been confirmed through evaluation testing. ISO Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices  Testing Agency:Japan Food Research Laboratories  ・Systemic Toxicity Test  ・In Vitro Cyto Toxicity Test  ・Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test  ・Skin Sensitization Test  ・Oral Mucosa Irritation Test Original Biogenetic Evaluation Tests on Cell Tissue Luna-Wing has been carefully examined under the heading of Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices, as stipulated under ISO10993.We fully comply with these regulations and standards. In addition, we set up the Biological Science Safety Laboratory in Koichi University and have been continuously researching materials. ・Cell-growth Inhibition Test ・DNA synthesis Test ・Cytotoxicity Test ・DNA fragmentation Test ・Protein Synthesis Test (高知大学医学部腫瘍病態学講座 口腔腫瘍制御学との共同研究による。)

12 Thank You for Listening!

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