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SAGE Lecture Spark 8.7.18 The Publisher of the Social Sciences.

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1 SAGE Lecture Spark 8.7.18 The Publisher of the Social Sciences

2 Google Products Take Up One-Third of Our Digital Media
Google (and their products such as YouTube and Waze) is where we spend over 1/3 of our digital media time. Facebook use, meanwhile, is on the decline. Instagram (owned by FB) is doing well, but not well enough to pull Facebook up with it. Snapchat and Twitter are keeping an even keel.

3 Certain U.S. Brands Are Politically Polarizing
“…Conservatives are less likely to have high favorability of news outlets than Democrats.” “… Democrats in general tend to have a much more trusting view of the news media than Republicans, with a 58 percentage point difference.” Republicans prefer Fox, Fox Business and Breitbart for media, while Democrats consume a wider variety. Compared to food and shopping, the news, information, and entertainment that consumers choose has little commonality across ideological boundaries.

4 America‘s Polarized Politics Is a New Normal
“The cable news channel you watch is now a statement of your politics.” Feelings about Russia and other topics that used to be bipartisan issues are now an indicator of whether you fall on the Right or Left. Our media used to have a more calming influence/tone (Read up on the FCC’s repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1985).

5 How Can Corporations Decide What They Advicate For?
Navigating political issues as a brand is difficult, with some topics more difficult than others as Americans have strong opinions. “Corporations are facing enormous social pressure, especially from younger generations on social media, to fill a void left by governmental gridlock and mistrust of government as an institution.” Gun control and abortion are very divisive, while civil and gay rights are less controversial.

6 Key Concepts Core Applications in Mass Communication:
Structural Constraints and Human Agency The Structure/Agency Relationship Structure and Agency in the Media Navigating Branding/Image Links to Relevant Articles

7 Assessment Writing: Map out all the major events of your life in five-year increments. What happened along your path to shape who you are now? What were the most traumatic and ecstatic things that happened to you? What did you learn from them? Debate: Argue a position in which one of the brands from the AXIOS article (America’s Most Polarizing Brands) could “speak” to the other side. Poll: Consider how much do you trust media. View the linked Media Bias Chart (version 3.1) and from where do you get your information? Most Extreme Liberal Hyper-partisan Liberal Skews Liberal Neutral Skews Conservative Hyper-partisan Conservative Most Extreme Conservative Short Answer: What core values motivate and drive you? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What aspects of how you work with others do you consider non-negotiables? Current Events Quiz 1. Which of the following media outlets are preferred by Democrats over Republicans? 2. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are most controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 3. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are the least controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 4. Democrats have a ____ trusting view of the media, as compared with Republicans. 5.  Which online media source’s use is on the decline? Answers 1. Comedy Central, HBO and MTV 2. Gun control and abortion 3. Gay and civil rights 4. More 5. Facebook

8 Quiz Time! 1. Which of the following media outlets are preferred by Democrats over Republicans? 2. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are most controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 3. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are the least controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 4. Democrats have a ____ trusting view of the media, as compared with Republicans. 5.  Which online media source’s use is on the decline? Current Events Quiz 1. Which of the following media outlets are preferred by Democrats over Republicans? 2. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are most controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 3. According to the articles we read, which of the following issues are the least controversial for American brands/corporations to support/advocate? 4. Democrats have a ____ trusting view of the media, as compared with Republicans. 5.  Which online media source’s use is on the decline? Answers 1. Comedy Central, HBO and MTV 2. Gun control and abortion 3. Gay and civil rights 4. More 5. Facebook

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