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CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn"— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn
Mechanics and Scope CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn 4/25/2019

2 Scope Creep What is it? Who causes it?
Causes schedule slippage big time Removing features can cause unintended consequences 4/25/2019

3 Why add mechanics? Stakeholder demand Changes in the marketplace
Sequel already planned Game sucks The brainstorm (team vision of grandeur) 4/25/2019

4 Why cut mechanics? To get a particular ESEB rating
To make a delivery deadline Mechanic fails to match core game vision Incompatible with other mechanics Normal tinkering (change it, play it, evaluate, repeat) because game sucks 4/25/2019

5 Add a Mechanic Assume your play testers find your 2D game prototype boring (they grow weary of mindless shooting and object collection) Work with your partner to come up with new game mechanic (game state interaction rule) to maintain player interest in your game What is the impact on your existing game if you were to implement the new game mechanic? 4/25/2019

6 Feature Tradeoff Assume you do not have the resources to implement all your game elements Pick a game mechanic (game state interaction rule) to remove from your game Redesign your game with that game mechanic removed Is your game better or worse after the redesign? Why? 4/25/2019

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