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Optic flow induces spatial filtering in fruit flies

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1 Optic flow induces spatial filtering in fruit flies
Jamie Theobald  Current Biology  Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages R212-R213 (March 2017) DOI: /j.cub Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Spatial acuity and optic flow in Drosophila.
(A) A back-projection visual arena displays flowing dots and drifting gratings to a tethered fly. The gratings induce steering responses, measured by wing shadows on infrared detectors. (B) Typical steering efforts, with time plotted downwards and ΔWBA horizontally. The four traces include the last 200 ms of bar fixation, followed by left or right grating motion, with static (blue) or flowing (red) dots. Values in the gray region (considered positive in the stimulus direction), were averaged to estimate responses in C–E. (C) Spatial tuning (at 30 Hz) to yaw stimuli depends on the presence of optic flow and the angular region of vision. Plots show mean responses ±SEM for static (blue) and moving (red) dots, to gratings presented at 0° (top, n = 54), ±45° (center, n = 37), and ±90° (bottom, n = 46). The dashes below indicate responses that cannot be distinguished from zero by a 1 sample t-test at P = (D) Spatial tuning to roll stimuli at ±90° when gratings move vertically (n = 54). (E) Temporal tuning (n = 48) to yaw stimuli (at 0.04 cycles/degree) at ±90°. Current Biology  , R212-R213DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

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