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the profession of teacher educators

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Presentation on theme: "the profession of teacher educators"— Presentation transcript:

1 the profession of teacher educators

2 conclusions common under standing individual TEr identity, development
qualification LLL common under standing individual TEr standards competences systemic: coherence leadership responsability ownership links individual systemic conclusions

3 before lunch Systemic issues: coherence, leadership, responsability and ownership presentation Jón Torfi fragmenation vs unity in relationship with stakeholders presentation Elna Katrin vice president union of teachers: icelandic stakeholder

4 afther lunch individual teacher educator: identity, devlopment, qualification and LLL two policy examples Sweden: Per and Anders Hungary: Csilla

5 group work 1 list the different actors in ensuring quality of Teacher Educators what’s there role who is responsible? What are they responsible for? are there tentions between actors

6 group work 1 actors role responsabilty tentions?

7 Group work 2 How can the identity of teacher educators be strengthend?

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