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Trends and Issues of Concern for the Construction Community

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Presentation on theme: "Trends and Issues of Concern for the Construction Community"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends and Issues of Concern for the Construction Community

2 Let’ s Start with Good News
Proposal to put “on-call” or predictive scheduling in place Would have required you to give 14 day schedule and pay wages if you added/cancelled a shift Originally did not exclude weather related industries Good news: Yesterday the Department of Labor removed the proposed regulations from consideration and implementation

3 Governors Budget: M/WBE Requirements
Governor has once again included this in his budget documents 53% M/WBE goal Removes reference to 2010 study and states “most recent” study which claimed the 53% 10% bid preference to M/WBE Goals now imposed on Local Governments and state funded entities No more public reporting on waivers & utilization Grants unbridled power to debar contractors for non-compliance Most egregious: removes reference to agency goals and relies only on the study to set goals Eliminates the current statutory provision requiring contract specific goals set by a defined study for each contract

4 Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
Governor has proposed to legalize Estimated revenue of $300M Concerns are expansive: No day of testing Toxicity and recency too hard to determine High risk industries are not excluded Public safety Employers must be allowed to have a zero tolerance policy General liability insurance is already tough to find and costly

5 Extending Prevailing Wage to Private Work
S.1947 / A.1261 (Ramos/Bronson) Seeks to change the definition of “public work” The new definition would apply to projects that receives any form of financial assistance That includes: IDA pilots, REDC funds, NYSERDA, SBA Loans, SAM (DASNY), CDBG, Brownfields, etc. Much of the work would now be subject to the prevailing wage Would include custom fabrication, pre-construction work, post-construction work and hauling This is a quality of life issue NY is already too costly that’s why incentives are needed 100% of ZERO is ZERO

6 Q & A

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