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If we are going to take care of people we need to look after the world we live in. Many charities are running a campaign called Show The Love asking us.

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Presentation on theme: "If we are going to take care of people we need to look after the world we live in. Many charities are running a campaign called Show The Love asking us."— Presentation transcript:

1 If we are going to take care of people we need to look after the world we live in. Many charities are running a campaign called Show The Love asking us all to think about what we love about the world.

2 There are many charities supporting #showthelove
There are many charities supporting #showthelove. Click the heart logo to see the list! Here are just five of the charities - do you know them?

3 People campaigning for #showthelove last year


5 Lets look at pictures of things different people have said they love about the world on this website page Lets watch a new 1 minute video the next great human achievement

6 Someone noticed and photographed this wonderful snow heart!

7 So many things to love about the world…
Beaches, cycling, cups of tea, coral reefs, grass, bees, icebergs, snow days, sunny days,trees, What will you choose?

8 In pairs talk about what you love about the world.
I love…. because……

9 Please can every class send someone out and write on a green heart something they love about the world for our display.

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