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Resistance to secondary infection

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Presentation on theme: "Resistance to secondary infection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistance to secondary infection
Induction of Trained Innate Immunity Low dose Β-glucan Dectin-1 RAF-1 Epigenetic modification of histones Increased transcription A M Resistance to secondary infection Monocyte Cellular activation Cytokine production Vaccine Adjuvants Biomarkers of Disease Serum MBL High Low Susceptibility to Infection Association with autoimmunity Mincle Antigen coupled Mab TDB DEC205 Vaccine mediated Protection CLEC9A Tfh Antigen Presentation Th1 Th17 a b c Induction of Anti-Tumour Response LOX1 CLR Antagonists Atherosclerotic plaque formation Ox-LDL RBC Endothelium LOX1 inhibitor Lumen Blood Vessel CD23 Anti-fungal Drug Improvements NFAT NOS & Fungal killing JNK1 p Dectin-1 C. albicans Fcer2a JNK Inhibitors Β-glucan Treatment Tumour Dectin-1 PMN-MDSC M-MDSC Apoptosis Improved Anti-tumour response Antigen APC Presentation CD4 CD8 d e f Brown et al Box 2 Schematic

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