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Revolutionary War: French/ Indian War

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1 Revolutionary War: French/ Indian War
Warm Up #6: Human Rights Think of something that is not a right/not legal that you wish was legal. Why do you feel that right is not guaranteed? Why do you feel it should be a right/legal?

2 Objectives- Students will understand
the basis of American rights ? Explain the rights Guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence Objective #2- Identify the reasons why American colonists wanted to move to independence from English rule ? Identify several examples of harsh laws that the colonists found unfair. Objective #3- Understand why England enacted harsher rules that lead the Americans to seek independence ? Explain why England felt it had to create new laws in the colonies. Objective #4- Explain how these actions pushed the colonies closer to unity ? Identify several actions by the colonists that demonstrated colonial unity? ? Evaluate how those actions were effective in sowing the seeds of a revolution?

3 Standard- 11.1 Students analyze the significant events in the founding of our nation and its attempts to realize the philosophy of government described in the Declaration of Independence. Objective: Summarize the historical background of the Declaration of Independence and ideological origins of the American Revolution

4 Lecture #4- Road to Revolution
French/Indian War- English troops and American colonists fight together to kick France out of Canada **Americans like being English after war ends in 1763 but Eng. creates laws that upset Americans, which leads to independence.

5 Proclamation Line of 1763- prevented Americans moving west of this line
*first law by English trying to control American lives English Debt- Fr/Ind. War was expensive for England, Eng. wants Americans to help pay for the war through taxes that go to England (not the colonies)

6 Stamp Act this act set off Americans into believing that England is taking away their rights
Tax on all printed goods Affected lawyers and sailors Why is this a problem? English view- 1st tax where $ went to England to HELP pay debt for French/Indian War American view-“No taxation without representation”- idea people can only be taxed if they can vote on the tax right to tax=to right to take property Property=liberty Did the colonists have a right to be so upset? Should Americans have been given the right to vote in English elections? Would that have changed anything?

7 Colonial Resistance- Americans fight back against England creating and enforcing new laws
Boston Tea Party- Americans dressed as Indians dumped English tea into Boston Harbor

8 Intolerable Acts- laws by England to punish Americans for Boston Tea Party (shuts down Boston Harbor, people forced to have English soldiers live in their homes) Lexington and Concord (April 1775)- US minutemen shoot at English troops using Indian tactics-hiding behind trees **first shots fired between English and American troops (beginning of Revolutionary War)

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