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The Progressive Era Moving Forward!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Progressive Era Moving Forward!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Progressive Era Moving Forward!

2 Progressive Movement Protect social welfare – living/working conditions (women and children) Promoting moral improvement Ex: Prohibition – banning alcohol Economic Reform – changing the way we do business Muckrakers – writers who wrote about the corruption of business Efficiency – using all of your resources properly

3 Question What do all of these goals on the previous slide have in common? Create one goal for the Progressive Movement that would sum all of those up.

4 Henry Ford Ford Motor Company Model-T Assembly line – mass production
Wanted cars to be something everyone could have Treated workers well - $5 a day, 8 hour work day Question – What freedoms do cars allow us to have? Why do you want a car some day?



7 Progressive Women Higher education – all women’s colleges
Suffrage – right to vote Susan B. Anthony In 1919 the 19th Amendment was passed allowing women to vote Question – Do you think it is important to allow all people to vote? Why/why not? Explain.


9 Rise of Roosevelt Tough Guy – “Rough Rider”
With a soft side “Teddy Bear” Modern President – always in the news “Square Deal” – wanted the average American to be treated fairly


11 More Progressive Regulation
Meat Inspection Act – clean and good quality Pure Food and Drug Act – accurate labels Conservation – preserving wilderness areas. Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” exposes the reality of the meat packing industry


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