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What is Bias?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Bias?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Bias?

2 Watch this video explaining bias and how to spot it!

3 What are some present-day, real examples of bias?
Fake News Political websites: run by democrats, or run by republicans only Any other examples??

4 Tomi Lahren Bias elite/ into-a-frenzy/

5 Black lives matter biases
4 Corner Practice Read this statement: Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, and Michael Brown were ALL victims of police brutality. If you AGREE go stand by the front door. If you DISAGREE go stand by the front desk.

6 Articles! In your Country Groups, you will be reading two articles and answering the following questions about them. Answer each question in a well written paragraph with an answer, evidence, and an explanation. 1. Is the article “Fake or Real? How to Self-Check the New and Get the Facts” biased or objective? What is one reason to support your answer? 2. Is the article “16 Fake News Stories Reporters have Run since Trump Won” biased or objective? What is one reason to support your answer? 3. List three ways to tell if an article is biased or objective. 4. What are the consequences of reading biased news?

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