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Engleski jezik struke 3 Sreda, 18.03.2019..

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Presentation on theme: "Engleski jezik struke 3 Sreda, 18.03.2019.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engleski jezik struke 3 Sreda,

2 WRITING practice

3 The three principles of effective academic writing
1. Cut the clutter 2. Use the active voice 3. Write with verbs

4 rewriting long sentences
In the following diagram we show what happens when … The following diagram shows what happens when … In the diagram it is highlighted how the applications work. The diagram highlights how the applications work. The procedure schematized in Figure 2 is based on a chemical treatment of the sample. The procedure in Figure 2 is based on a chemical treatment of the sample.

5 Several studies dealing with the evaluation and the achievement of quality in requirement documents can be found in the literature. We will briefly discuss some of them that we consider to be of particular interest to our research. Several studies on evaluation and quality in requirement documents can be found in the literature. Below we overview those that are particularly relevant to our research.

6 Nevertheless, in general, it can be observed that all the patients that participated in the survey achieved a significant level of improvement with regard to their motor skills. All the patients in the survey significantly improved their motor skills …

7 However, we should also mention that, because of the increase in the price of oil products, some public investors have started to pay attention in the last few years to renewable and non-conventional energy sources, including geothermal energy. However, the increase in price of oil products has led some public investors to pay attention to renewable and nonconventional energy sources, including geothermal energy.

8 1) overall purpose/ research problem(s)
Abstract - a self-contained paragraph that describes the major aspects of a larger work.  - contains approximately 300 words - may include: 1) overall purpose/ research problem(s) 2) methodology 3) major findings 4) conclusions - it should NOT contain lengthy background and references to literature

9 abstract The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the organizational level and quality of the services of the public transport in Belgrade, shown through the identified quality indicators and their trends. First year students from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences for three consecutive years have been conducting this research as practical implementation of the course Production Systems. The method used in this research for gathering data is the method or current observations. As we have indicated in the paper, there are trends of quality indicators that are not good and should be changed in order to improve the current situation. The aim of this research was to provide useful suggestions for future improvements and to show how students’ research can bring good benefits for numerous organizations, and in this particular case, for the organizations that provide public transportation services in Belgrade.

10 Rewrite the abstract The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the organizational level and quality of the services of the public transport in Belgrade, shown through the identified quality indicators and their trends. First year students from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences for three consecutive years have been conducting this research as practical implementation of the course Production Systems. The method used in this research for gathering data is the method or current observations. As we have indicated in the paper, there are trends of quality indicators that are not good and should be changed in order to improve the current situation. The aim of this research was to provide useful suggestions for future improvements and to show how students’ research can bring good benefits for numerous organizations, and in this particular case, for the organizations that provide public transportation services in Belgrade.

11 The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the organizational level and quality of the services of the public transport in Belgrade, shown through the identified quality indicators and their trends. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze.. > This paper analyzes … The services of the public transport in Belgrade > Belgrade public transport services

12 First year students from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
for three consecutive years have been conducting this research as practical implementation of the course Production Systems.

13 The method used in this research for gathering data is the method of current observations.
We used the method of current observations to gather data for this research.

14 As we have indicated in the paper, there are trends of quality indicators
that are not good and should be changed in order to improve the current situation. We indicate that poor trends of quality indicators should be changed to improve the current situation.

15 The aim of this research was to provide useful suggestions for future improvements and to show how students’ research can bring good benefits for numerous organizations, and in this particular case, for the organizations that provide public transportation services in Belgrade. This research suggests improvements and indicates how numerous organizations, and particularly Belgrade public transport providers, can benefit from students’ research.

16 linking and transition words

17 Linking and transition words

18 DESCRIBING CONTRAST on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, in reality, but, instead, whereas, however, nevertheless, despite this STATEMENT CONTRAST There is very strong evidence that the universe began around 13.7 billion years ago. Some religious fundamentalists believe that the world was created on October 22, 4004 BC. Current thinking claims that fructose is not harmful to the health. Fructose is a poison. We prove that it can be classified as deleterious to the health in the same way as tobbaco, and ethanol in alcohol. The Celts were a dominant power in Europe around 50 BPE [ before present era] and traded with the Greeks and Romans. Greek and Roman culture had little influence on the Celtic civilization. Centipedes are hunters. Millipedes are herbivores.

19 MAKING EVALUATIONS although, though, despite the fact that, nevertheless, on the other hand, but, instead Write two advantages (pros) and two disadvantages (cons) for each of the topics below. Then connect your two phrases together. A) MARRIAGE B) VEGETARIANISM C) SPACE RESEARCH

20 DESCRIBING CAUSES because, due to, as a result of, consequently, thus, this means that
Write two possible causes for the following: The low birth rate in Serbia. The massive success of social networks. The lower attention span of young people today compared to 30 years ago.

21 DESCRIBING CONSEQUENCES thus, consequently, therefore, so
Write a possible consequence for the following: Footballers being paid huge quantities of money. Countries relying on nuclear power for their energy. Corruption amongst politicians.

22 CONNECTing IDEAS although, though, but, despite this, however, nevertheless, which
POSITIVE / NEUTRAL POINT NEGATIVE POINT DESPITE THIS English is the language of research. Difficult to understand the spoken language for non natives. Relatively easy to learn compared to Chinese, Russian, German. Free online journals. Author often has to pay a fee to the journal. Rapid publication of results. Easily accessible. There is an abundance of Master’s courses. High cost + often only used to gain extra points in order to obtain research position. Number and type of courses increasing every year.

23 Writing a summary

24 Write a 10 word summary of the following text.
Note: This text was written in 1906 before the age of political correctness. Make sure you only use he in reference to the male sex.

25 In its crudest form education consisted in training the child in the pursuits – hunting, fishing, fighting, etc. – necessary to enable him to maintain himself and his family when he should reach adult life. As occupations became more specialized the training took the general form of teaching the boy the craft or trade of his father and the girl the household duties performed by the mother. But as communities became more organized the conception of the child as the future citizen became dominant, and, as a consequence, the idea that education is intended to train loyal and useful citizens overshadowed the conception that it is a means of benefitting the individual.

26 New homework Find a new research article (minimum 8 pages)
Submit by for review Write a word summary The topic should be the same / very similar to the topic of the previous article you summarized Surname, Name (Year of publication). “Article title”. In: Journal name. Issue. from page- to page.

27 Academic Listening and note-taking

28 Lecture on population growth
Listen to the lecture about population growth and write down answers to the following questions.

29 What term is defined as the number of children born per 1000 people per year?
Which country in the UK has the highest fertility rate?  Why is fertility rate in the UK higher than it was twenty years ago?  What proportion of women in their mid-forties do not have children nowadays?  What do French couples who have eight children receive?   Which of the reasons for low fertility rates is NOT mentioned?   a. Women are increasingly focused on their jobs.   b. People want to enjoy their lives before taking on responsibility.   c. Parents do not have time to have many children.   d. Children are considered to cost a lot of money. 

30 Note-taking The listener has to decide: Step 1 – what is being said
Step 2 – what it means Step 3 – whether it is important and whether to note it down Step 4 – how to write it in note form

31 Note-taking techniques
Rule 1: Be selective – decide what’s important Rule 2: Be brief – use abbreviations and symbols e.g. i.e. etc = w/ w/o Rule 3: Be clear – show the relationship between the speaker’s points Linear notes and mind maps (spider notes, web notes)

32 Strategies for efficient listening
- six general “macrostrategies” for successful listening: INTERNAL Predicting Monitoring Inference Evaluating INTERACTIVE Responding Clarifying

33 Strategies for efficient listening - internal
Predicting Thinking about the possible content of the lecture before you listen. Use two types of information – background and context. Monitoring Noticing problems as you listen and identifying areas of uncertainty. Inference Making hypotheses when you aren’t sure of something, e.g. the meaning of an unfamiliar word or expression Evaluating Assessing how well you have understood the lecture.

34 Strategies for efficient listening - interactive
Responding Giving your own opinion on the ideas presented by the lecturer. Clarifying Preparing questions that you can ask the lecturer to get a clearer understanding.

35 Task 2 As you watch and listen, take notes using any method you like.
How your "working memory" makes sense of the world Predicting - How much do you know about “working memory”? - How relevant do you expect the content of the talk to be to the task of listening and note-taking? - Do you think it might offer advice that could be helpful to you in your academic studies?

36 Practice - Compare notes with another student: content – do you agree on what the main points are, and form - what method did you use? Predicting - How accurate were your predictions? Monitoring - Were you aware of any difficulties as you listened? Inferring - Did you have to guess what the speaker said / meant at any stage? Did you understand why the audience laughed? Evaluating - How much (%) would you say you understood? How does that compare with listening to your subject lectures – better / worse / the same?

37 Thank you.

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