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Data Tracking Using Google Forms

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1 Data Tracking Using Google Forms
Brenda Vaughan-Ide and Denis Mayowski

2 Importance of Data Tracking
Data defined. Data collection What do you do with it?

3 Turn and Discuss Take a minute and discuss amongst your table how you are data tracking at the organization you are working for.

4 A Little Background I started at the Adult Transition Center in Roscommon What is my job? Chasing Papers? Is there a better way? Yes!

5 What did I Need to Do? Started to look into Google Forms
Work Smarter not Harder! Couldn’t find any programs online using Google I started to develop forms by looking at old Community Based Instruction (CBI) Forms Ipads and Mobile WiFi Hotspots Wanted to do data tracking right on site!

6 How did I get Everyone Else on Board?
Stopped printing so many CBI Forms, saves money on paper and ink Administrators like this! It is much more time efficient for the Parapros They no longer have to calculate averages We spend much more time with the students! It is much more time efficient for me I spent around 4 hours a week chasing forms and entering data After the initial time investment, opened my schedule right up!

7 More Benefits of Using Google Form

8 Narrowed the Focus We were being too specific with our CBI forms and lost track of what we were trying to do Being too specific painted an inaccurate picture On Report Cards and to Community Agencies Narrowed focus lead to better staff meetings on Fridays.

9 Downfalls of Broad Focus
Students would have one huge behavior issue that completely ruined their work day, but could get an 80% on site Most students will have one behavior that will affect them getting employment Not every student needs to work on the same skills. Not all have the same need

10 Still Can Individualize the Forms
Although you have a generic template, you can still personalize forms for each worker Make a copy, then add what you need to track Student who is really loud, add a question to track appropriate volume. If they still struggle after a CBI program or OJE, you know you will have to come up with an accommodation in the workplace. (Ex. Wringing out rags)

11 Still Use Same Criteria
Simplified but still use the same criteria to judge Task analysis sheet became reference sheet when giving a student their score on site. The Parapros use the reference sheet to justify their 0-6 score Training Site Ratings 0. Refused to do task 1.Physical Assistance 2.Many Verbal Prompts 3.Verbal Prompts 4.Gesture Prompts 5.Moderate Supervision 6.Independent

12 Competitive Rate A worker can be independent, but how fast/well are they doing the job? We also use Competitive Rates to track how well workers do on a work site. Competitive Rate is how well a worker does compared to a typical worker For example, if it normally takes a worker 5 minutes to clean 10 tables, and you only get 5 tables done in the same time, your competitive rate is 50%.

13 Prompt Hierarchy How is this relevant? Where does it fit?

14 Starts a Conversation Switching to Google Forms will also give you and your staff a great opportunity to discuss what you are tracking and why. We have always done it this way! But Why? You could find some things were unnecessary, you could hone in on what’s important to be employed in the community. Talking to bus driver

15 You Can Print Off the Comments
An Important aspect of printing off the responses is parents can read the comments Parents, and community agencies, always want more feedback Layla’s 1st report card No-one ever seen or read the comments. Most people are too busy to dig into the filing cabinet to read comments on the CBI form. Word choice will matter!

16 Smart Phones Job Coaches at the ATC feel most comfortable now using their cell phones to data track Most cost efficient! Perception? All they need is a smart phone and their app

17 Google Forms How To I developed a “How To” form for making Google Forms The form is on the START website If you have any questions please reach out to me!

18 Contact Information Contact Information: Brenda Vaughan-Ide (Office) Denis Mayowski (Office)

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