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Woodstove Replacement Programs Cooperative Partnerships to Reduce Impacts from RWC USEPAs Air Innovations Conference Chicago, August 10 -12.

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Presentation on theme: "Woodstove Replacement Programs Cooperative Partnerships to Reduce Impacts from RWC USEPAs Air Innovations Conference Chicago, August 10 -12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Woodstove Replacement Programs Cooperative Partnerships to Reduce Impacts from RWC USEPAs Air Innovations Conference Chicago, August 10 -12

2 Why a Changeout Program? Old Woodstoves dont wear out Although seasonal, RWC can be major localized source of Fine PM Woodsmoke also Air Toxics issue Woodstove Households burn most of the Firewood – Make most of the Woodsmoke Majority of woodstove owners not aware of clearer technology

3 Why – continued EPA – Certified Woodstoves are emit less small particulates, 50 – 90 % less During the Changeout, some Woodburning families switch to gas or pellet heaters – with even lower emissions Programs can also inform media on RWC impacts, & on deposition issues

4 One approach – Great Stove Changeout Woodstove Industry created and tested the program in 1990 – Tested in Southern Oregon Seattle was first major metro area Changeout Industry program asks only minimal assistance from Government –

5 Key Components of Great Stove Changeout Consumer receives a Discount – Usually 10-15% on new EPA stove, Pellet Stove, Gas Heater Consumer must turn in their old woodstove Woodstove Dealer commits to oversee the disposal of old stove Woodstove Dealers will also remove old stoves during program for reduced fee Government principally assists in Promotion Press event, although occasionally adds incentive funds Program is primarily an education program Each Program is unique, reflecting partners and targets

6 Why Bother? - Does it work? Majority of woodstove owners have owned stoves since 1980s – oblivious to other options – serious education challenge 1990-91 Crested Butte project validates the approach – –RWC app 80% of PM-10 inventory –80+% of old stoves changed in one year –Dramatic 60% reduction in Fine PM

7 Great Stove Changeout Programs – the short list 1991 Metropolitan Seattle 1992 Reno, Nevada 1991-93 Oregon 1992 Washington 1994 Metro Denver & Colorado 1998 Northern California 2000 Great lake Pilot Project 2001 Great Lakes Great Stove Changeout

8 Clean Air Act Excellent Award -2001 Bi-National, Multi-State Effort Kick-Off Press events in 3 States St. Paul, Lansing, Madison Feb 1 – April 30, 2001



11 Canadian Version is Burn it Smart

12 SEPs and Settlements Mt Zirkel Wilderness Settlement Majority of Colorados portion of LP Wood products Settlement – Delta County Colorado –Focused on Very Low Income –Subsidies for all fuel, but skewed to gas Regional subsidies during Great Stove Changeouts in Wisconsin & Nor Calif.

13 Future Plans Work with Government & NGO partners wherever appropriate Interested in another whole town changeout opportunity HPBA - Contacts –Arlington, Va. – 703.522.0086 –Ontario, Canada – 705.788.2221 –Sacramento, Ca – 916.536.2390

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