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Software quality: most important: meet spec; other general ones to measure the goodness/badness of a software system: user friendly, efficiency, robustness,

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Presentation on theme: "Software quality: most important: meet spec; other general ones to measure the goodness/badness of a software system: user friendly, efficiency, robustness,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Software quality: most important: meet spec; other general ones to measure the goodness/badness of a software system: user friendly, efficiency, robustness, reliability, support Evolution: simplecomplex: system having ind. components partition system into many builds: Ccny mis: std + fac + lib + funding 2yrs std(water fall+ proto): 8 months stop reduce risk Pros: reduce overall risk, Cons: fatal blow—hard to integrate, have to redo design/coding Spiral model: military huge system water fall + risk analysis at the end of each phase, Bayesian reasoning example Pros: safety ; cons: very expensive Pros and cons of these models Agile life cycle: initial project, work items, construction iterations: prioritized tasks (work iterations with regular standups), transition/release, delivered proj Pros: more comm, better collaboration; cons: hard to assess at start; less doc, too many unproductive activities, more moving targets

2 View-point oriented analysis: all angles/perspectives should be exhausted
recs: system boundary, ovals: funcs, users: ord left side; privileged right side use-case diagrams: UML unified modeling language (standard CASE) Finite state machine (FSM): represent logic, formal method initial state-circle with an arrow, final state(s): double-edged circle, intermediate states: plain circles; tokens or alphabets to be handled for every state transitions: transfer to next state given certain token - must exhaust all tokens for each state As a valuable pattern recognizer such as fixed (binary) patterns or variable of certain features (remainder)

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