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Reformation Key terms to know:

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1 Reformation Key terms to know:
Indulgence- paying($) for a sin to be forgiven Excommunicate- officially exclude (someone) from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church. Heir-person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death Predestination-The act of God knowing that are going to happen. God already knows if you are going to heaven or hell.

2 Martin Luther Indulgences (pardon) are bad
Only faith needed for salvation Teachings based only in Bible All people with faith equal – no need for priests Pope excommunicates Luther German Princes support Luther by protesting Catholic church  Protestants! Martin Luther

3 Change in England Henry VIII – desire for male heir/wants a divorce
Removes Catholic power from England Catherine comes to power – Catholic Elizabeth restores Protestantism & shows tolerance to Catholics  Church of England (aka Anglican)

4 Calvinism John Calvin Influenced by Martin Luther: humans cannot earn salvation through works Predestination Theocracy is best government

5 Catholic (Counter) Reformation
Response by the Catholic Church to win back its followers from Protestant Church

6 Ignatius 1540 Society of Jesus Jesuits – members of Society of Jesus
1) Create schools 2) Missionaries to convert people to Catholicism 3) Stop Protestant spread

7 Council of Trent Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final
Faith and good work for salvation Bible and tradition good Indulgences valid expression of faith Council of Trent

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