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Country report - Denmark

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1 Country report - Denmark
Nordic Forum for Geography and Statistics (NFGS) Stockholm, September 2015.

2 Open Data in Denmark All maps and data from the National Mapping Agency in Denmark is available as open data (free of charge). Address data with coordinates available as open data (free of charge). Building register (BBR) data available as open data (free of charge). Many other register data will be made available as open data (free of charge). 1. It does not matter if the spatial data are a geo-coded or geo-referenced point, line or polygon. 2.This functionality makes it possible to get the same information of the modelled reality independent of time and place. 3. This is about washing al addresses in the same way –it increases data quality of the associations produced. 4/30/2019

3 Status for Statistics Denmark Inspire as the driving force
Inspire in Denmark is coordinated by the Danish Geodata Agency (DGA). Statistics Denmark is a supplier of relevant spatial data, open data (free access to aggregrated public data) and has a role as provider of data to be used. The role for Statistics Denmark in this area still has to be clarified externally and internally (who is in charge). Open data / public data still as a general rule only available (free of charge) at Municipality level. The end users expects (or hope) that more detailed geographical data will be provided free of charge. 1. It does not matter if the spatial data are a geo-coded or geo-referenced point, line or polygon. 2.This functionality makes it possible to get the same information of the modelled reality independent of time and place. 3. This is about washing al addresses in the same way –it increases data quality of the associations produced. 4/30/2019

4 INSPIRE & JointAddressDatabase (JAD)
Status: Nordic Forum for Geography and Statistics (NFGS) Practice 2015 (september 2015 Stockholm) Vision 2005 (september 2005 Stockholm)

5 Population & Business statistics
INSPIRE Spatial data Population & Business statistics Housing units Work places INSPIRE ANNEX I Coordinate reference systems Geographical grid systems Geographical names Administrative units Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites INSPIRE ANNEX III Statistical units Buildings Soil Geology Land use Human health and safety Government service and environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution – demography Area management / restriction / regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution INSPIRE ANNEX II Elevation Identifiers of properties Cadastral parcels Land cover Orthoimagery Lets look at the Inspire Spatial data – annex 1, 2 and 3. In article 1 it is said: “The directive lays down general rules for the establishment of an infrastructure for spatial information…. the component elements of those infrastructures shall include metadata, spatial dataset and spatial data service; network service and technologies; agreements on sharing, access and use; and coordination and monitoring mechanisms, processes and procedures” I just ask myself: Where are we to start? As J sees it: It takes a lot of expert just to agree on metadata on national level. E.g. in Denmark we are working on that in area management by the municipality and in Identifiers of properties. E.g. in Denmark we have 3 different registrations of properties: For assessments, land registration for protection 3. mans rights, and registration of cadastres: 26 types of properties – 6 joint properties? Then J ask: What do Statistic Denmark have to offer that non of the other INSPIRE UNITS have? The answer is business and populations statistics. Ok we need a machinery to link Business Statistics and Population Statistics to non-statistical INSPIRE unit. The Work places and the Housing units are obvious the ones we need to association to other INSPIRE classes - in statistic Denmark must population and business statistics is already linked to housing units and work places. 4/30/2019

6 0, Work places JointAddressDatabase: Housing unit/ households
Business legal unit Statistical units – Housing unit and Work place - who needs associations to (other) Spatial data: INSPIRE ANNEX I Spatial data Business production unit Work places Joint methods: Creating association to address Joint association & bitemporal data JointAddressDatabase: INSPIRE ANNEX II Spatial data Person (day) Joint spatial data Joint address Joint functionality to associate spatial data and address Person (day&night) INSPIRE ANNEX III Spatial data Joint functionality for keys and bitemporal data Housing unit/ households Housing unit? Joint functionality for joint address Other Spatial data Housing-/business unit in building 4/30/2019

7 Nighttime & Daytime – Urban and Rural

8 JointAddressDatabase (JAD)
JAD is a machinery for producing geo-coded associations from spatial data to statistical units - Housing units and Work places - using address as gasoline. JAD have a joint functionality to produce associations from Spatial data to joint address. JAD have a joint functionality to produce bitemporal data. JAD have a joint functionality to produce joint address. Rational database in Oracle/Oracle Spatial 1. It does not matter if the spatial data are a geo-coded or geo-referenced point, line or polygon. 2.This functionality makes it possible to get the same information of the modelled reality independent of time and place. 3. This is about washing al addresses in the same way –it increases data quality of the associations produced. 4/30/2019

9 Physical and Monetary Asset Account for Land - Spatial data focus
Land value per m2 4/30/2019

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