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Presentation on theme: "RISING 9TH GRADE REGISTRATION"— Presentation transcript:

Class of 2023

2 Goals for students in High School Planning Classes
Establish understanding of high school terminology, knowledge of modified block schedule, mastery of graduation requirements Course Catalog Terminology Challenge Explore career interests and utilize in planning course work Build a four-year high school academic plan 4/6 year plan form Complete freshman registration Naviance

3 Reynolds: 26nrjb Ball: 6trc6h Google Classroom
Go to Enter the class code: Reynolds: 26nrjb Ball: 6trc6h Important information, tasks, and links will be posted to Google Classroom

4 Graduation Requirements
You will take 8 classes per year. 1 class = 1 credit You must have a passing grade to receive credit! Graduation Requirements How many credits can you earn in 4 years at DB? 28 Credits total

5 Online Course Catalog Let’s explore!! From Google Classroom
Click on the Course Catalog Link! From the web > Schools > High School > Dobyns- Bennett > Academics > Course Catalog

6 The Course Catalog: Block/Singleton definitions
Selection “Alternate Courses” Graduation Requirements Testing Grading System & GPA Weighted Course Listing Repeating Courses College Credit Sample Course Description

7 GPA Grades are important from the beginning
GPA = Money for college $$ Example: GPA = Points/# of classes General classes – Above average grades General classes – Average to Failing Grades General & Honors classes – Above average grades Course Grade GPA Points English 9 CP A 4.0 Algebra 1A B 3.0 Intro to Drawing Wellness TOTAL 14.0/4 = 3.5 GPA Course Grade GPA Points English 9 CP D 1.0 Algebra 1A F 0.0 Intro to Drawing C 2.0 Wellness TOTAL 5.0/4 = 1.25 GPA Course Grade GPA Points English 9 PreAP* A 4.5 Geometry 4.0 Intro to Drawing Wellness TOTAL 16.5/4 = 4.13 GPA

8 Course Description Course Title Grade level that can take the course
English 10 CP (College Prep) Grade Level: 10 Credit: 1 Block Course Number/Projected Times: / Varies Singleton Course Number/Projected Times: / 1st and 2nd singletons Also Available Online Prerequisite: English 9 College Prep or English 9 Pre-AP Summer reading is required as a part of all English courses. This course is for students who plan to continue their formal education after high school either through college or technical training. English 10 CP will cover multiple elements of literature as they relate to and impact various cultures. In addition, students will learn to comprehend, interpret, and intelligently discuss the various genres of global literature. Overall, students will focus on modules of study all of which may be supplemented with one extended text each. There will be a large emphasis placed on close reading and interaction within each particular text. TNReady examinations will be factored into the student’s grade at a percentage determined by the State Board of Education in accordance with T.C.A. § (2) Course Title Grade level that can take the course Number of credits earned with passing grade If offered as a BLOCK or SINGLETON or BOTH or ONLINE Prerequisites Description of course material

9 Levels of Courses General/College Prep: Grade level appropriate curriculum. Awards general GPA points. Honors: Advanced course addressing the designed curriculum. Reading and writing intensive. Awards weighted GPA points. Pre-AP: Advanced course addressing the designed curriculum. Reading and writing intensive. Designed to lead student in to AP level courses. Awards weighted GPA points. Advanced Placement (AP): Advanced course addressing the designed curriculum. Reading and writing intensive. Awards weighted GPA points. Opportunity to receive college credit based on scores on the AP exam. Dual Enrollment: Complete college admission requirements. Receive college level instruction within the high school. Receive college credit upon successful completion of course. Awards weighted GPA points. Online: Course completed through an online platform. Best for organized, responsible, and self-disciplined students. May require some in person meetings. GPA points awarded dependent upon the course.

10 Must be beyond graduation requirements (except AP)
3 Courses in same area Elective Focus Areas Fine Arts: Area of courses designed to expose students to artistic opportunities Fine art areas: Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Theatre, Visual Arts, General Music Career & Technical Education (CTE): Courses that provide students an opportunity to explore practical applications of various career options. Support students in gaining exposure to possible career fields See course catalog for variety of CTE programs offered STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math): Courses that focus on these identified areas and an applied approach to learning Humanities (Social Studies, Foreign Language, & English): Courses related to studying human culture Reserve Officer Training Core (ROTC): Courses that introduce students history and knowledge of military. Identifies with Air Force branch. Also builds teamwork and leadership skills. Students are not required to enroll in military by participating in the program. Advanced Placement: See definition above

11 Working on the schedule…
Course Catalog 4/6 Year Plan Naviance – Family Connection Recommendations Career Goals – Look for classes that relate

12 Important course needs
World Language- If you have an honors recommendation, you can begin your foreign language in the 9th grade. However, the first priority goes to the upperclassmen. Good to pair with Geometry Elective Focus Area- Think about what you need to gain from your focus area – Future academic and career goals. 3 Courses in one area (except fine arts)

13 Alternate Courses Students must list 3 alternate courses on the bottom of their registration card. Please choose alternates you would want to take as they could become part of their schedule. Especially important for: World Language Color Guard CTE Classes 9th grade registration card: 8 top choice course requests + 3 alternates = 11 total courses options *only 8 will be on your schedule

14 Important Reminders about “Course Requests”
The requests are very important. Requests for electives are only requests, not a guarantee. Also, upper grade level students get the first priority. Make sure that requests go along with needs for educational and career goals. Changes can ONLY be requested during the 1st week of school

15 DB Excel Growing extension of DB Blended learning environment
Online classes facilitated by an in-house person For students who, Are self-motivated Prefer working independently Work better in a smaller environment Prefer to work at their own pace Can still participate in DB activities (CTE, Band/Orchestra/Chorus, prom, graduation ceremonies, etc.) Brand new building! Application process Give us your name if you are interested You will still complete 4 year plan as if you are going to DB

16 Dates to Know Thursday, January 31st DB Parent Night @ 6:00pm
DB Theater Registration Meetings March 12-15 Appointment letters will be mailed home Field Trips March 8 – Eastman Career Expo and DB Excel visit March 9 – DB Campus Tour, including CTE

17 For Next Week: Review Course Catalog online
Begin discussing courses and plans with your parents and family. Next week will focus on academic courses You will receive your teacher recommendations for next year.


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