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1.4/1.5 Networking Student Notebook

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1 1.4/1.5 Networking Student Notebook

2 Assessment Objectives
1.4/1.5 Networking Assessment Objectives types of networks:LAN & WAN factors that affect the performance of networks the different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network: wireless access points routers/switches NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card) transmission media the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks: DNS (Domain Name Server) hosting the cloud the concept of virtual networks. Taken directly from the OCR specification

3 Assessment Objectives/Specification Points
1.4/1.5 Networking Assessment Objectives/Specification Points star and mesh network topologies Wifi:frequency and channels,encryption ethernet the uses of IP addressing, MAC addressing, and protocols including: TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) POP (Post Office Protocol) IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) the concept of layers packet switching.

4 Networking Topologies
Lesson 1 What is a network? Networking Topologies Be familiar with and can explain the need for computer networks Describe network topologies in particular start & mesh Identify obvious strengths and weaknesses of these topologies

5 Why do we network computers? Disadvantages/Drawbacks
Advantages/Benefits Disadvantages/Drawbacks

6 Topologies Pros: Pros: Cons: Cons: Description: Description: Name:

7 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Networking Hardware
The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network: wireless access points routers/switches NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card) transmission media

8 Wireless Access Point Switch
Description What does it do? Description What does it do? Image of example Image of example What is the difference between a hub and a switch?

9 Network Interface Card
Router Network Interface Card Description What does it do? Description What does it do? Image of example Image of example

10 Copper Vs Fibre These websites will help but you will also need to do some research of your own.

11 Lesson 3 P2P & Client-Server

12 Student Paired/Group Work
Working in groups as instructed by your teacher you need to prepare a 6 minute presentation about P2P and Client-Server networks. Key Questions to cover: Explain the term client-server Explain how a client-server network functions What is the function of the client within a network Explain the term P2P Give two types of devices/resources which can be shared on a P2P network Give 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of using peer-to-peer networks. P2P networks and connections are usually throttled by internet providers, find out: What does the term “throttled connection” mean? Why do they throttle P2P traffic? Why do they have a bad reputation? Presentation Ideas Paper based - multiple large sheets of paper Powtoon Prezi Pear Deck Video Screen recording using something like paint PowerPoint Google Slides This a research task for students, they can work in groups of 2 or 3 at teacher discretion. Give students a choice on how to present this.

13 Lesson 4 The Internet & WAN’s
Understand the difference between the internet & the WWW Acknowledge that the internet a worldwide collection of connected networks Understand the uses of IP & MAC Addressing Describe what is meant by: DNS

14 Student Task Explain the purpose of an IP address
Explain the purpose of an MAC address When data is sent from one computer to another across the internet, the data is split into packets. Give 4 items that will be included in each packet in addition to the data itself. Where would these 4 items be stored within the packet?

15 Lesson 5 VPN, Hosting & Cloud
the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks: DNS (Domain Name Server) hosting the cloud the concept of virtual networks.

16 Student Task: Hosting Paid and unpaid web hosting services - research online the benefits of paying for web hosting over getting it for free. Things to consider: Which companies offer hosting - find examples How much do they charge? What do you get? Do they all offer similar services for a similar price What's the downside of choosing a free option? Can you host your own website? If yes what is required?

17 Student Task: CLoud Storage
Tadcastle Grammar School has an ageing teaching staff who have a limited understanding of technology, teachers create all of their lesson resources on computers and save these files onto USB memory sticks. However these memory sticks are regularly lost meaning the work has to be redone as it is not backed up, the school's new Head of ICT Mr Bingle has convinced the technicians to invest in cloud storage for all staff. Create a poster that will convince and explain to staff why they should either stop using USB memory sticks or at least back them up online. You will need to include a little info explaining what cloud storage is. Use a blank slide in this document Google Drawing which can be accessed here

18 Terminology & Challenges

19 Vocabulary/Terminology
1.4/1.5 Networking Vocabulary/Terminology Network Fibre Optic LAN Copper Wire WAN Transmission Media DNS Packet Protocol Server Virtual Networks

20 1.5 Network topologies, protocols and layers
Challenge Work

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