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Patterns of Imperialism

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1 Patterns of Imperialism
Unit Enduring Understandings 1. The motives of competition and profit often prompt people and groups to expand into new areas of opportunity. 2. Changes in technology and exchange during the 18th and 19th centuries led to the social and economic changes around the world that are still relevant today. 3. Technology, transportation and communication enabled European nations to become the dominant world powers in the 19th century. 4. Centers of global economic and political power shift over time. 5. Technology and industrial advancement can alter existing social and economic systems. Patterns of Imperialism Agenda – Why was Africa unable to effectively resist imperialism? Warm-up –List three motivations, three advantages Europe had, and three weaknesses Africa had that enabled European Imperialism of Africa Review both selections on p 21 Identifying Alternatives – answer questions 1 and 2 on the bottom. Which causes of imperialism are identified in these selections? How does industrialization play a role in imperialism? Actively read both selections on p 23 Two Views of Imperialism– answer questions 1 and 2 on the bottom. Complete organizer on p 24 – answer the Agenda question: Why was Africa unable to effectively resist imperialism? Complete organizer on p 25

2 Chamberlain v Hobson New markets = more manufacturing = more jobs at home Need new markets so… Keep India Get Egypt and Scramble for African influence Taxes are unfair – the many pay to help the few investors Imperialism is of little value to manufacturers No evidence that imperialism is cost-effective Better and cheaper to just trade with the colonies The colonies are very bad markets – they cannot afford our manufactured goods Best markets are with the other powers with whom UK is now in competition for Africa

3 Two Views of Imperialism
Livingstone Goal is to improve the lives of the Africans Try to end slave trade It is fun to explore A person whose heart is in the right place will become better Davidson The Africans really did not like the European invasions Africans defended themselves by diplomacy and war Ethiopian Emperor – First traders and missionaries, then ambassadors, then war. Why not just go straight to war? Africans were confused by the why Europeans behaved as they did


5 Various methods of Imperialism
How did Britain control Nigeria and other colonies? Indirectly – used local chieftains by putting hitherto weak people in charge over the daily affairs of the colony. The weak “chieftain” was backed by British military power and directed by British political officials. How did France control its colonies Directly – using the concept of paternalism (the French are the “fathers” and the Africans are the “children” and since father knows best, France controlled the daily activities of government in the colony through white French officials. Assimilation - France also wanted the colonials to adopt French ways of dressing, behaving, governing, speaking and believing – because the French ways are superior and more advanced, successful and civilized.


7 Africa Resists How did Algeria’s resistance differ from that of East Africa against Germany? Algeria had a fifty year active military resistance against France while East Africa used a traditional, spiritual magical belief system to try to protect them from the Germans. Unfortunately for both, the European military might was more powerful than the Algerian will to resist and the East Africans’ magic was no match for machine guns. Why was Ethiopia successful in resisting Europeans? Menelik II was clever in being able to play the Italians against the French and the British using diplomacy and intelligence. Menelik II also bought modern weapons from France and Russia (who sold them to prevent the other Europeans from taking Ethiopia for themselves to put Ethiopia on an equal footing with the Italians where the Battle of Adowa showed that Africans could defeat Italians if armed with a modern arsenal.

8 Various methods of Imperialism
How did Africans benefit from colonization? New technologies like railroads, telegraph and telephones New medicines and hospitals led to increased life expectancy Fewer local wars and the end of slavery Improved education and literacy Improved sanitation Improved market desirability of African products like palm oil, cocoa, ivory and rubber. What were the negative effects of colonization? Death from war with Europeans Death from European diseases Death from famine caused by reallocation of agriculture and forced labor Destruction of many traditional ways of life and belief Loss of property and control of their own existence Artificial boundaries leading to future conflicts and destruction

9 Colonization and Imperialism
Empire Building 15th and 16th Centuries Imperialism 18th and 19th Centuries - Differences Imperialism 18th and 19th Centuries - Similarities Economic motives: wanted wealth, riches & new trade routes to Asia Also desire for wealth, Get resources for manufacturing or trade rather than gold and New markets to sell manufactured goods Social/religious motives: desire to spread Catholicism Missionary zeal for spreading Protestantism, Social Darwinism and desire to “civilize” the savages racism Methods of conquest: military conquest Indirect control, protectorates and private business ownership of colony Military conquest Patterns of management: spain used forced labor, dutch made trading posts, Britain set up permanent colonies French direct rule and paternalism to assimilate the natives into European culture Belgian Congo forced labor and British continued indirect rule and permanent colonies Resistance to colonial rule like Mexico & Haiti Most of Africa could not revolt due to weaknesses Algeria, Ethiopia and South Africa revolted Impact - Technological improvements Death, abuse, disease, exploitation

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