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Incentive equilibrium in bioresource management problem

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1 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource management problem
Anna N. Rettieva Science advisor: Prof. Vladimir V. Mazalov Institute of Applied Mathematical Research Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences

2 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource sharing problem: model
The dynamic of the fishery is described by the equation: (1) The population evolves in accordance with Verhulst model of the form: The players’ net revenues over a fixed time period [0,T] are (2) Theorem 1. The cooperative equilibrium of the problem (1)-(2) is (3) with satisfying the differential equation Karelian Research Center of the RAS, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research

3 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource sharing problem
The strategy of the player i is a casual mapping Definition. A strategy pair is called the incentive equilibrium at if Proposition. The incentive equilibrium of the problem (1)-(2) is where are defined in (3) when and conjugate variables satisfy the next system of equation Karelian Research Center of the RAS, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research

4 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource sharing problem
Let’s consider the second player’s deviation We find the center’s strategy in the following form Then the first player’s punishment strategy is It yields Theorem 2. The incentive equilibrium of the problem (1)-(2) is where Karelian Research Center of the RAS, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research

5 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource sharing problem : Numerical results
Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Karelian Research Center of the RAS, Institute of Applied Mathematical Research

6 Incentive equilibrium in bioresource sharing problem : References
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