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Impact of the Movements

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1 Impact of the Movements
Emergence of Subaltern Conciousness

2 The greatest impact of the nineteenth century socio-religious reform movements was:
(1) the creation of national awakening among the masses; (2) the revival of Hinduism as a tolerant, rational religion to restore its lost prestige in the wake of Islam in the past and Christianity in the nineteenth century; (3) an onslaught on the indignities committed on women, untouchables and other oppressed and depressed sections of Indian society; (4) the creation of the feelings of sacrifice, service and rationalism;

3 Cont… (5) an attack on the hereditary character and rigidities of the caste system; and finally (6) a sense of equality, indigenisation and co-existence of cultures and religions. It has been noted earlier that atrocities on women through purdah, child marriage, hypergamy, dowry and sex-based inequality in regard to division of work, education, occupation, freedom, etc., moved all the reformists.

4 Cont… Not only were legislations against these ills passed, but concrete social actions were also taken to ameliorate the plight of women. It was an era of new enlightenment, of indigenisation with an open mind, welfarism, liberalism and equalitarianism. This sort of awakening contributed a lot to India’s freedom struggle.

5 These socio-religious movements were for introducing human­istic social reforms by stopping the moral and material decadence of India. Even radical westernisation was pleaded for by Ram Mohan Roy as a means to rejuvenate the decaying Indian culture and society.

6 Nature of all the movements
These movements did not have an all-India character. They were localised in Bengal, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, etc. Their impact was generally limited to the educated, upper middle and middle classes. Assimilation of the values of rationalism, universal broth­erhood, freedom of man and equality of sexes was not so easy with the Indian tradition and culture. These movements have been called “denationalised and hyper-westernised” by some critics. It is certainly undeniable that these movements made tremendous and everlasting impact in terms of socio-cultural awakening against social evils.

7 An analysis of the reform movements of the 19th century brings out several common features
(1) All the reformers propagated the idea of one God and the basic unity of all religions. Thus, they tried to bridge the gulf between different religious beliefs. (2) All the reformers attacked priesthood, rituals, idolatry and polytheism. The humanitarian aspect of these reform movements was expressed in their attack on the caste system and the custom of child marriage. (3) The reformers attempted to improve the status of girls and women in society. They all emphasised the need for female education. (4) By attacking the caste system and untouchability, the reformers helped to unify the tribes and people of India into one nation. (5) The reform movements fostered feelings of self-respect, self-reliance and patriotism among the Indians.

8 Contribution of the reform movements
Many reformers like Vivekananda upheld Indian philosophy and culture. This instilled in Indians a sense of pride and faith in their own culture. Female education was promoted. Schools for girls were set up. Even medical colleges were established for women. This led to the development, though slow, of girls’ education. The cultural and ideological struggle taken up by the socio-religious movements helped to build up national consciousness. They, thus, paved the way for the growth of nationalism.

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