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A Registrant’s Perspective on NOP & NOSB: Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study BPIA Symposium Biological Products and Organics March 13, 2019; Portland, Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "A Registrant’s Perspective on NOP & NOSB: Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study BPIA Symposium Biological Products and Organics March 13, 2019; Portland, Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Registrant’s Perspective on NOP & NOSB: Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study
BPIA Symposium Biological Products and Organics March 13, 2019; Portland, Oregon Presented by Cynthia Ann Smith of Conn & Smith, Inc.

2 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt NOP petition [7 CFR §205.601(i)]
For allowed synthetic substance in organic crop production For plant disease control Polyoxin D is a non-GMO fermentation product Chemical reaction used to produce the zinc salt Zinc source purchased; no control of production Mined vs recycled

3 Only 10 Currently Listed Permitted Synthetic Substances for Plant Disease Control [7 CFR § (i)] (Year Published): 1. Aqueous potassium silicate (2010) 6. Lime sulfur (2000) 2. Coppers, fixed - copper hydroxide, copper oxide, copper oxychloride 7. Oils, horticultural 3. Copper sulfate 8. Peracetic acid (2013) 4. Hydrated lime 9. Potassium bicarbonate 5. Hydrogen peroxide 10. Elemental sulfur

4 Submission to Final Rule: > 7 Years
2012/03/04: FIRST TRY petition submitted 2013/04/11: NOSB public hearing/vote (denied) : New data development 2016/05/31: SECOND TRY petition submitted 2018/04/27: NOSB public hearing/vote (recommended) 2019/02/15: Proposed rule published 2019/04/16: 60-day public comment period ends Future: Final rule FR publication

5 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study: Timeline
Submission to … 1st Try 2nd Try Technical report 6 mo. 19 mo. Crops Subcommittee proposal and vote 11 mo. 21 mo. NOSB public hearing and vote 13 mo. 23 mo. NOP proposed rule NA 32 mo. NOP final rule (after 60-day public comment period) 34+ mo.

6 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study: Lessons Learned
TECHNICAL REPORT Written by an NOP contractor Insufficient technical expertise for crop use pesticides Product chem, residue chem, tox, ecotox, efate, efficacy Re-writes the applicant’s petition based upon Internet searches Many errors, e.g., Polyoxin D vs all polyoxins; US EPA vs NZ EPA; in vivo vs in vitro; stability vs solubility; heavy metals Abstract info used without reading the reference Errors get perpetuated through the review process Effectively supersedes the registrant’s petition

7 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study: Lessons Learned
Significant GROWER SUPPORT is ESSENTIAL for: Favorable NOSB recommendation to NOP Favorable and timely NOP decision All 5-year sunset decisions Needed for all NOSB public hearings Likely min. 2 years conventional sales needed before submission Know your users

8 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study: Lessons Learned
NOSB suspicious of data developed by registrant, including: GLP lab data accepted by EPA University efficacy trial data NOSB eager to accept the Technical Report, errors and all NOSB members not members of the relevant subcommittee can be unprepared for the public hearing and vote NOSB member attitudes and group dynamics matter Precautionary principle vs help organic agriculture

9 Polyoxin D Zinc Salt Case Study: Lessons Learned
NOP IS WILDLY DIFFERENT THAN EPA No fees, no deadlines Vague, open-ended acceptability criteria only No study-specific data requirements No data reporting guidelines No SEPs, no peer review NOSB requested/required data beyond EPA registration data: No bounds No technical guidance

10 For More Information, Contact:
Cynthia Ann Smith, Partner Conn & Smith, Inc.

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