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Types of Bureaucracies

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Bureaucracies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Bureaucracies

2 Why is there a federal bureaucracy?
intro Why is there a federal bureaucracy?

3 Staff & Line Agencies Federal Bureaucracy

4 Bureaucracy Staff Agencies Staff Agencies
They exist to assist the president They have major roles in helping to develop policy for POTUS They work to benefit the president primarily They usually don’t have to be approved by the Senate – the president can choose whoever he wants

5 Bureaucracy Staff Agencies Staff Agencies Council of Economic Advisors
National Security Council Office of Management & Budget The Cabinet

6 Bureaucracy Line Agencies Line Agencies
They have their own independent goals and jobs to perform They have major roles in helping to execute policy for the US They work to benefit the people primarily They are mostly independent of the president and Congress They will have to be approved by the Senate in most cases

7 Center for Disease Control
Bureaucracy Line Agencies Line Agencies US Postal Service NASA Federal Reserve Center for Disease Control

8 Independent Regulatory Agencies
Federal Bureaucracy

9 Bureaucracy Regulatory Independent Regulatory Agencies
They are line agencies – they regulate independently Regulate – they help enforce the law Independent – they are not directly controlled by POTUS or Congress They are going to engage in some minor law making

10 Bureaucracy Regulatory Independent Regulatory Agencies
The heads of these agencies are appointed by POTUS They can only be removed for cause – the president can’t all of a sudden disagree with their politics Some are “Commissions” or “Boards” so they are lead by a group instead of an individual In these cases, the terms are staggered and are often longer than the president’s term of office – he doesn’t pick them all

11 Bureaucracy Regulatory Independent Regulatory Agencies
They engage in rule making – they make some details of regulations Their goal is to serve the public interest in a particular segment of the economy Since they play a role in policy making, they are lobbied by interest groups These agencies are also often a part of the “revolving door”

12 Bureaucracy Regulatory Independent Regulatory Agencies
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency FEC: Federal Election Commission FCC: Federal Communication Commission The Fed: The Federal Reserve Bank

13 Cabinet Departments Federal Bureaucracy

14 Bureaucracy Cabinet Cabinet Departments
They are staff agencies – they exist to help the president develop policy They both create and implement policy Each Dept. is led by a “Secretary” who is a member of the president’s Cabinet. They are chosen for both expertise and for political reasons Cabinet Secretaries are confirmed by the Senate

15 Bureaucracy Cabinet Cabinet Departments
Each department manages specific policy areas & has its own budget & staff Each department is organized a little differently Each department has agencies within it that function much like regulatory agencies They serve as the policy specialists for the president

16 Department of Education
Bureaucracy Cabinet Cabinet Departments State Department Department of Defense Department of Justice Department of Education

17 Government Corporations
Federal Bureaucracy

18 Bureaucracy Govt. Corporations Government Corporations
They are line agencies – they have goals that are separate from the president Provide services to citizens just like a private business would They have their own revenue streams other than just taxes – people pay for the services they provide There are in many cases businesses that would not survive without government subsidies

19 Bureaucracy Govt. Corporations Government Corporations
They often charge less for their services than a customer would pay in the private sector In some instances, the government will take over a “sick industry” if it may be headed toward failure but provides a necessary service People typically have negative attitudes toward these – because they assume a business would do the job better

20 Bureaucracy Govt. Corporations Government Corporations
US Postal Service Amtrak Tennessee Valley Authority

21 Independent Executive Agencies
Federal Bureaucracy

22 Independent Executive Agencies
Bureaucracy Executive Agencies Independent Executive Agencies All the agencies that don’t fit the other categories fall under the umbrella of “Independent Executive Agencies” There handle all kinds of random, but necessary jobs for the government

23 Bureaucracy Executive Agencies Independent Executive Agencies NASA
General Services Administration Office of Personnel Management

24 Bigly Ideas Beliefs & Behaviors

25 Government Corporations
Bureaucracy Wrap Up Staff & Line Agencies Regulatory Agencies Cabinet Government Corporations Focus on these things:

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