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1 Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
1.6 A LIBRARY OF PARENT FUNCTIONS Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

2 What You Should Learn Identify and graph linear and squaring functions. Identify and graph cubic, square root, and reciprocal function. Identify and graph step and other piecewise-defined functions. Recognize graphs of parent functions.

3 Linear and Squaring Functions
One of the goals of this text is to enable you to recognize the basic shapes of the graphs of different types of functions. For instance, you know that the graph of the linear function f (x) = ax + b is a line with slope m = a and y-intercept at (0, b).

4 Linear and Squaring Functions
The graph of the linear function has the following characteristics. • The domain of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The range of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The graph has an x-intercept of (–b/m, 0) and a y-intercept of (0, b). • The graph is increasing if m  0, decreasing if m  0, and constant if m = 0.

5 Example 1 – Writing a Linear Function
Write the linear function for which f (1) = 3 and f (4) = 0.

6 Linear and Squaring Functions
There are two special types of linear functions, the constant function and the identity function. A constant function has the form f (x) = c and has the domain of all real numbers with a range consisting of a single real number c. The graph of a constant function is a horizontal line, as shown in Figure The identity function has the form f (x) = x. Figure 1.66

7 Linear and Squaring Functions
Its domain and range are the set of all real numbers. The identity function has a slope of m = 1 and a y-intercept at (0, 0). The graph of the identity function is a line for which each x-coordinate equals the corresponding y-coordinate. The graph is always increasing, as shown in Figure 1.67. Figure 1.67

8 Linear and Squaring Functions
The graph of the squaring function f (x) = x2 is a U-shaped curve with the following characteristics. • The domain of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The range of the function is the set of all nonnegative real numbers. • The function is even. • The graph has an intercept at (0, 0).

9 Linear and Squaring Functions
• The graph is decreasing on the interval ( , 0) and increasing on the interval (0, ) • The graph is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. • The graph has a relative minimum at (0, 0). The graph of the squaring function is shown in Figure 1.68. Figure 1.68

10 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
The basic characteristics of the graphs of the cubic, square root, and reciprocal functions are summarized below. 1. The graph of the cubic function f (x) = x3 has the following characteristics. • The domain of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The range of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The function is odd. • The graph has an intercept at (0, 0).

11 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
• The graph is increasing on the interval ( , ). • The graph is symmetric with respect to the origin. The graph of the cubic function is shown in Figure 1.69. Cubic function Figure 1.69

12 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
2. The graph of the square root function f (x) = has the following characteristics. • The domain of the function is the set of all nonnegative real numbers. • The range of the function is the set of all nonnegative real numbers. • The graph has an intercept at (0, 0). • The graph is increasing on the interval (0, )

13 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
The graph of the square root function is shown in Figure 1.70. Square root function Figure 1.70

14 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
3. The graph of the reciprocal function f (x) = has the following characteristics. • The domain of the function is( , 0)  (0, ) • The range of the function is ( , 0)  (0, ) • The function is odd. • The graph does not have any intercepts. • The graph is decreasing on the intervals ( , 0) and (0, ). • The graph is symmetric with respect to the origin.

15 Cubic, Square Root, and Reciprocal Functions
The graph of the reciprocal function is shown in Figure 1.71. Reciprocal function Figure 1.71

16 Step and Piecewise-Defined Functions
Functions whose graphs resemble sets of stairsteps are known as step functions. The most famous of the step functions is the greatest integer function, which is denoted by and defined as f (x) = = the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Some values of the greatest integer function are as follows. = (greatest integer  –1) = –1 = (greatest integer  ) = –1

17 Step and Piecewise-Defined Functions
= (greatest integer  ) = 0 = (greatest integer  1.5) = 1 The graph of the greatest integer function f (x) = has the following characteristics, as shown in Figure 1.72. • The domain of the function is the set of all real numbers. • The range of the function is the set of all integers. • The graph has a y-intercept at (0, 0) and x-intercepts in the interval [0, 1).

18 Step and Piecewise-Defined Functions
• The graph is constant between each pair of consecutive integers. • The graph jumps vertically one unit at each integer value. Figure 1.72

19 Example 2 – Evaluating a Step Function
Evaluate the function when x = –1, 2 and f (x) =

20 Example 3 Sketch the graph of:

21 Parent Functions The eight graphs shown in Figure 1.75 represent the most commonly used functions in algebra. Figure 1.75

22 Parent Functions cont’d Familiarity with the basic characteristics of these simple graphs will help you analyze the shapes of more complicated graphs—in particular, graphs obtained from these graphs by the rigid and non-rigid transformations. Figure 1.75

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