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Hopf Bifurcations on a Scavenger/Predator/Prey System

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1 Hopf Bifurcations on a Scavenger/Predator/Prey System
Malorie Winters Dr. Joseph Previte

2 Lotka-Volterra dx/dt = x(1 – bx – y) dy/dt = y(-c + x)
Everything spirals in to (c, 1 – bc) Introduce scavenger onto this system A little background: Basic Lotka-Volterra equations with logistic term on x (bx-term). To simplify, there was a change in variables done 3 times. In this system, all trajectories spiral in toward fixed point (c, 1-bc), when it is positive.

3 The Model dx/dt = x(1 – bx – y – z) dy/dt = y(-c + x)
dz/dt = z(-e + fx + gy + hxy – βz) Lotka-Volterra with logistic on x Scavenger z with linear and quadratic death Explain parameters (especially in dz/dt): e = linear death, beta = quadratic death, f & g = z benefits from dead x & y, h = z benefits from leftover x killed by y Logistic because Britney did model without b and had unbounded growth resource limitations

4 Owl Crow Rabbit

5 Fixed points & Stability
1. (0, 0, 0) – saddle point 2. (1/b, 0, 0) – saddle/stable point stable/unstable point stable/unstable point - when stable, scavenger becomes extinct Linearized the system and used the eigenvalues of Jacobian to determine the stability of the points - talk about what species become extinct & when

6 Interior Fixed Point Linearization of system at fixed point
Eigenvalues of Jacobian are messy Characteristic polynomial of Jacobian Routh Hurwitz Analysis Linearization – Did the same as other fixed points, linearized, Jacobian, etc. Char poly – A,B,C,D polynomials of parameters

7 Routh Hurwitz Method Categorizes real parts of roots of a polynomial

8 To finish array Count number of sign changes in first column
Gives number of roots with positive real part

9 Example Row 1 Row 2 2 sign changes means 2 roots with pos. real part

10 Example RH array predicted 2 roots with positive real part.
Actual solutions:

11 Results Routh Hurwitz analysis on characteristic polynomial
For our system A = 1 CB – D > 0, stable no sign changes, all eigenvalues neg. real part CB – D < 0, unstable two sign changes, two eigenvalues pos. real part CB – D = 0, special case B, C, & D are polynomials made up of parameters - when unstable, someone becomes extinct Will return to this special case in a few minutes

12 CB – D

13 Hopf Bifurcations Movie Hopf Bifurcation Theorem
Suppose you have a family of systems of ODEs parameterized by s and is a fixed point, then a Hopf bifurcation occurs when a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues of the Jacobian cross the imaginary axis non-tangentially and not at zero. Movie Hopf Bifurcation Theorem Guarantees a limit cycle

14 Idea If there is a path in parameter space and at with
then the interior fixed point has a Hopf bifurcation at .

15 Example Let Then at and and

16 Results Bifurcation diagram (Explain diagram)

17 Region 1: Before Bifurcation
Trajectories begin red and travel in toward purple (stable node). All species survive. Stable Node

18 Region 2: Stable limit cycle
Trajectories begin red and travel toward purple (stable limit cycle). Oscillatory behavior in all species. Stable Limit Cycle Unstable Node

19 Region 3: Multiple limit cycles
Unstable Limit Cycle It depends on the initial conditions whether oscillations occur or not. Draw on board – explain limit cycles much better Stable Limit Cycle Stable Center

20 Region 4: After Limit Cycles
Trajectories begin red and travel in toward blue (stable node). All species survive. Stable Node

21 Biology Eventual behavior dependent upon parameters and initial conditions for some of these systems Biologically viable and interesting? Does it exist in nature?

22 Notes/Questions Bifurcations possible by varying all parameters except b Do unbounded orbits exist?

23 Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr. Joseph Previte Behrend REU 2006
NSF Award

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