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Life Cycles I can investigate and compare how organisms undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Cycles I can investigate and compare how organisms undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Cycles I can investigate and compare how organisms undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles.

2 Quick! Your group has only two minutes to list as many organisms you know that have life cycles!
Ready? Set? …Go! Listing Life Cycles

3 Listing Life Cycles How many organisms did your group list?
Did any group remember to list plants? Which animals undergo metamorphosis? Listing Life Cycles

4 Organisms undergo observable changes during their life cycles, including birth, growth and development, reproduction, and death. Key Concept 1

5 An organism’s life cycle refers to each stage of its life: birth, life, and death.
By reproducing, a species’ life cycle is repeated over and over with the main goal being to continue to survive in its environment. Key Concept 1

6 Content Connection Video 1
Create a T-chart in your notebook that looks like this: Simple Life Cycles Metamorphosis (gradual changes) (drastic changes) * List examples of organisms from the video that undergo gradual changes, and other organisms that undergo drastic changes in their life cycles. Content Connection Video 1

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