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Implementing your school improvement plan

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing your school improvement plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing your school improvement plan
Strategies to secure success

2 TODAY Using the Improvement Handbook Implementation Monitoring

3 Stage 4- Improve practice and monitor impact
The tricky bit! The plan is continually being implemented, monitored and adjusted based on new evidence. Are we doing what we said we would do? Are we improving student learning? What are our next steps?

4 How will you know it’s working?
Teachers and leaders are taking the actions outlined You can articulate progress against success criteria There is evidence that plans and practice are continually adjusted to reflect changes arising from implementation and monitoring You are securing consistent and embedded are changes in practice

5 What are the implementation and monitoring processes you are putting in place to know the impact of your work by the end of the year?

6 Discussion

7 Some implementation activities
Every classroom, every day Planning your staff meeting sequence to ensure you have full coverage of your priorities Focus on now and next- articulate business and the current priority Implement class data discussions with teachers- do you have a shared understanding of what PAT is telling you? Ensure PDP is fully related to the plans Share ownership of sections of the Site Improvement Plan- e.g. faculty teams Student ownership of self and school improvement

8 More on implementation
Develop a site improvement team to implement the plan- have someone from outside the leadership team on the group If you have PD or PLCs- how will you secure impact with your wider team and influence others Check teachers programs are consistent with actions in the plan Filter distractions Carry on using the guidebooks!

9 PDP- make use of the new formats linking to SIP

10 Where are you positioning yourself?
How are you communicating the key messages? How are you promoting leadership of others while staying in touch?

11 Monitoring activities
Talking to groups of students Looking at student work Observation of student learning Discussions with teachers Sitting in on staff meetings or PLCs Discussion focussed on your success criteria Twice per term Have a balance of whole staff and improvement team reviews

12 More monitoring activities
Expect evidence gathering before or within monitoring meetings You don’t have to monitor it all at once Identify trials to further investigate Think about the validity of assertions Think about the consistency of the practice Write summaries about your evidence

13 What will your evidence look like?
What will you be able to share with us to demonstrate your work?

14 Discuss



17 Our site visits We’ll engage in an instructional leadership activity to monitor an aspect of your plan focus on monitoring one area in depth guided by you depending on what your focus is see evidence of your plans for implementation and information about how it’s influencing student achievement Peers will be involved in term 2 and 3


19 AOB Site plans- we’ll upload from today - share and use ideas
PLCS / Facilitators Agreement about graduation Primaries passing information onto secondary Meeting with Ian May Internet rollout

20 Preparing for the Partnership Review
What to look out for: Briefing document Review of previous partnership activities Data story for the partnership Partnership preparation meeting Draft agenda Your prep- think about your contribution and the partnership effectiveness

21 Our focus this year Professional Learning Communities directly related to the work of the guidebooks Instruction leadership capabilities of leadership teams Early years focus: collaboration between preschool and school, play, and early reading / phonics Literacy focus: Phonics and phonological awareness in Semester 1, Writing in Semester 2 Mathematics focus: STEM 500 in Semester 1 followed by Number sense / mastery focus in semester 2

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