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Caring for the Mind: “Striking an Equilibrium of Oneself Towards Work Efficiency, Wholeness and Wellness” Christopher P. Hernandez, PhD (Cand), MAEd,

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Presentation on theme: "Caring for the Mind: “Striking an Equilibrium of Oneself Towards Work Efficiency, Wholeness and Wellness” Christopher P. Hernandez, PhD (Cand), MAEd,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Caring for the Mind: “Striking an Equilibrium of Oneself Towards Work Efficiency, Wholeness and Wellness” Christopher P. Hernandez, PhD (Cand), MAEd, MS, OTRP, RGC Guidance Services Specialist University of the Philippines-Diliman

2 ARE YOU HAPPY? 1. A-3; B-2; C-1 2. A-1; B-2; C-3 3. A-3; B-2; C-1

3 ARE YOU HAPPY? 9. A-3; B-2; C-1 10. A-1; B-2; C-3 11. A-2; B-1; C-3

4 ARE YOU HAPPY? 17. A-1; B-2; C-3 18. A-2; B-1; C-3 19. A-3; B-1; C-2

5 Interpretation of Scores
Over 65: little to worry about 55-64: pretty satisfied with life; occasional worries; u know how to deal with them 45-54: capable of enjoying happiness; few rocky patches 35-44: quite beret by troubles; difficulty in finding real happiness 30-34: presence of real problems; don’t find much joy; need counseling below 30: really suffering; life is bleak; see a professional

6 What is Wellness? Achieving a balance in all aspects of the self:
Physical Emotional Psychological Social Spiritual

7 5 Aspects of Personality
Spiritual Psychological Emotional Social Physical

8 What is Corporate Wellness?
Individual differences/peculiarities Family dynamics Organizational behavior & culture Motives, Gains, Frustrations, Disappointments, Grievances Strong sense of oneness and sense of identity

9 Developmental Age Chronological Age


11 Factor-Trait Analysis Theory of Development
R=S1T1 + S2T2 +S3T3…….. R= Response/Behavior S= Situation T= Trait

12 Life-Space Permeability
Person P P P P P P P NP

13 Preventing Problems Look for opportunities to do so everyday.
Take occasional breaks, whether you use the time to eat lunch in the sun or meet a friend for coffee. Allow yourself small indulgences

14 Preventing Problems Take a week off for vacation.
Seek out pleasant activities Learn to appreciate your own company Try playing musical instruments or doing some creative writing as a form of psychological release.

15 Wholeness Boosters Look and feel good Stand erect & walk tall
Put your best self forward Walk 25% faster than ordinary people Don’t be shy Speak out

16 Wholeness Boosters Practice eye contact Improve your self-esteem
Acknowledge praises and compliments Smile Put money in your pocket

17 Wholeness Boosters Never talk over people
Don’t finish other people’s sentences Paraphrase Listen actively Maintain eye contact

18 Self-Help Strategies for Better Mental Health
Exercising Eating right Talking to yourself Keeping a psychological journal Taking an optimistic view Cultivating humor Reaching out

19 In a Nutshell… Believe in yourself
Have strong faith in your capabilities & abilities Nurture your mind & increase your knowledge Prepare yourself mentally,physically, emotionally & spiritually for whatever you set out to do

20 Philosophy to live by…. “Go to sleep with a song in your heart, and a prayer in your lips so that you’ll be awake in the morning refreshed and ready to face new challenges of a new day…”

21 Thank you very much!

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