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Buddhism “Enlightened One”.

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1 Buddhism “Enlightened One”

2 Founder, Siddhartha Gautama became the Enlightened One, or Buddha.
Siddhartha was a rich prince who rejected the idea of the Hindu caste system. Developed in 563 B.C. in India near Nepal.

3 Buddha promoted the correct way of living in order to reach a spiritual state of Nirvana.
Buddhism does not have a specific god or gods, but believes in energy of all beings. Belief in karma and reincarnation.

4 Samsara, the cycle of birth and rebirth, continues until people reach nirvana.
Meditation is important for the Buddhist way of life. Goals of Buddhism include Enlightenment, purity, and proper thoughts.

5 The Four Noble Truths: 1. All life is suffering, pain, and misery, also known as dukkha. 2. Suffering has a cause, also known as tanha, or selfish craving and personal desire. 3. Selfish craving can be overcome. 4. To overcome this misery is through the Eightfold Path.


7 The eightfold Path 1. Know the Four Noble Truths.
2. Work towards Nirvana. 3. Speak kindly. 4. Act appropriately. 5. Choose a career to promote well being not money.

8 6. Be obedient. 7. Be self aware 8. Be absorbed in a state of Nirvana.







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