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Linguistics Lecture-12: X-bar Theory; Adjuncts and Complements

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1 Linguistics Lecture-12: X-bar Theory; Adjuncts and Complements
Pushpak Bhattacharyya, CSE Department, IIT Bombay February 28th, 2009 (main text: Syntax by Adrew Carnie, Blackwell Publication, 2002)

2 How deep should a tree be?
Is there a principle in branching When should the constituent give rise to children? What is the hierarchy building principle?

3 Deeper trees needed for capturing sentence structure
This wont do! Flat structure! NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover of poems big [The big book of poems with the Blue cover] is on the table.

4 Other languages English NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover big
of poems NP Hindi AP PP PP kitaab kavita kii niil jilda vaalii badii [niil jilda vaalii kavita kii kitaab]

5 Other languages: contd
English NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover big of poems NP Bengali AP PP PP ti bai kavitar niil malaat deovaa motaa [niil malaat deovaa kavitar bai ti]

6 PPs are at the same level: flat with respect to the head word “book”
No distinction in terms of dominance or c-command NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover of poems big [The big book of poems with the Blue cover] is on the table.

7 “Constituency test of Replacement” runs into problems
One-replacement: I bought the big [book of poems with the blue cover] not the small [one] One-replacement targets book of poems with the blue cover Another one-replacement: I bought the big [book of poems] with the blue cover not the small [one] with the red cover One-replacement targets book of poems

8 More deeply embedded structure
NP N’1 The AP N’2 N’3 big PP N book with the blue cover PP of poems

9 To target N1’ I want [NPthis [N’big book of poems with the red cover] and not [Nthat [None]]

10 Bar-level projections
Add intermediate structures NP (D) N’ N’ (AP) N’ | N’ (PP) | N (PP) () indicates optionality

11 New rules produce this tree
NP N-bar N’1 The AP N’2 N’3 big PP N book with the blue cover PP of poems

12 As opposed to this tree NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover
of poems big

13 V-bar What is the element in verbs corresponding to one-replacement for nouns do-so or did-so

14 As opposed to this tree NP PP The AP PP book with the blue cover
of poems big

15 I [eat beans with a fork]
VP PP eat NP with a fork beans No constituent that groups together V and NP and excludes PP

16 Need for intermediate constituents
I [eat beans] with a fork but Ram [does so] with a spoon VP V1’ VPV’ V’ V’ (PP) V’ V (NP) V2’ PP V NP with a fork eat beans

17 How to target V1’ I [eat beans with a fork], and Ram [does so] too. VP
VPV’ V’ V’ (PP) V’ V (NP) V2’ PP V NP with a fork eat beans

18 Case of conjunction VP V1’ V2’ PP V3’ V4’ Conj and In the afternoon NP
eat drink beans coffee

19 A-bar: adjectives AP A1’ AP A’ A’ (AP) A’ A’ A (PP) A2’ AP A3’ A5’
Conj and Very A6’ A4’ AP AP green blue bright dull

20 So-replacement for adjectives
Ram is very serious about studies , but less so than Shyam

21 P-bar: prepositions AP A1’ PP P’ P’ P’ (PP) P1’ P’ P (NP) PP AP P2’
Conj and right NP NP P P into off the trash the table

22 So-replacement for Prepositions
Ram is utterly in debt, but Shyam is only partly so.

23 Complements and Adjuncts or Arguments and Adjuncts

24 Rules in bar notation: Noun
NP (D) N’ N’ (AP) N’ N’ N’ (PP) N’ N (PP)

25 Rules in bar notation: Verb
VP V’ V’ V’ (PP) V’ V (NP)

26 Rules in bar notation: Adjective
AP A’ A’ (AP) A’ A’ A (PP)

27 Rules in bar notation: Preposition
PP P’ P’ P’ (PP) P’ P (NP)

28 Introducing the “X factor”
Let X stand for any category N, V, A, P Let XP stand for NP, VP, AP and PP Let X’ stand for N’, V’, A’ and P’

29 XP to X’ Collect the first level rules And produce NP (D) N’ VP V’
AP A’ PP P’ And produce XP (YP) X’

30 X’ to X’ Collect the 2nd level rules And produce
N’ (AP) N’ or N’ (PP) V’ V’ (PP) A’ (AP) A’ P’ P’ (PP) And produce X’ (ZP) X’ or X (ZP)

31 X’ to X Collect the 3rd level rules And produce N’ N (PP) V’ V (NP)
A’ A (PP) P’ P (NP) And produce X’ X (WP)

32 Basic observations about X and X’
X’ X (WP) X’ X’ (ZP) X is called Head Phrases must have Heads: Headedness property Category of XP and X must match: Endocentricity

33 Basic observations about X and X’
X’ X (WP) X’ X’ (ZP) Sisters of X are complements Roughly correspond to objects Sisters of X’ are Adjuncts PPs and Adjectives are typical adjuncts We have adjunct rules and complement rules

34 Structural difference between complements and adjuncts
XP X’ ZP X’ Adjunct WP X Complement

35 Complements and Adjuncts in NPs
ZP N’ PP with red cover N book of poems

36 Any number of Adjuncts NP N’ N’ ZP from Oxford Press N’ PP
with red cover N book of poems

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