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Curriculum Night with Alex MacInnis

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night with Alex MacInnis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night with Alex MacInnis

2 A little about Mr. Alex P.E. (Gr. 1-4) Health (Gr. 1-2) French (Gr. 1-6) 3 years of teaching experience in Japan Lived in 5 countries

3 General Safety Respect Responsibility Gratitude

4 Physical Education Alone you may travel fast, but together you will travel far. -African Proverb

5 Always come to class with your: P.E. uniform Water bottle
Expectations Always come to class with your: P.E. uniform Water bottle Running shoes Respect


7 Curriculum Highlights

8 Fundamental Movement Skills
hopping skipping rolling jumping balancing galloping sliding throwing dodging catching

9 Français -French 4 Strands Listening (Gr. 1-6) Speaking (Gr. 1-6)
Reading (Gr. 3-6) Writing (Gr. 3-6) Homework: regularly practice new vocabulary

10 What is Inclusive Education?
Hi! We are Mr. Leung and Ms. Rowe, your child’s Inclusive Education Specialist. We am located on the second floor in PG section in room 218. Come by and say hi or us at Mr. Leung: Mrs. Rowe: What is Inclusive Education? Inclusive Education is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity, learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for ALL learners. This is a school wide process where the student support team works together on understanding a student’s strengths and areas of growth, creating safe and respectful learning environments and reducing barriers within their learning environments.

11 Elementary School Counsellor
School Counselling Program: Techniques: -Strength based approach Art Therapy -Student-oriented approach Play Therapy What do I offer? Contact Information: -Individual counselling Tel: -Small-group counselling -Classroom counselling School Counselling Program: Techniques: - S t r e n g t h b a s e d a p p r o a c h A r t T h e r a p y - S t u d e n t - o r i e n t e d a p p r o a c h P l a y T h e r a p y W h a t d o I o f f e r ? - I n d i v i d u a l c o u n s e l l i n g - S m a l l - g r o u p c o u n s e l l i n g - C l a s s r o o m c o u n s e l l i n g

12 Seesaw - Gr. 1-3 Mr. Alex’s website - Gr. 4-6
Communication Seesaw - Gr. 1-3 Mr. Alex’s website - Gr. 4-6 x364


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