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Indoor Rowing EXPO #teachingtheNationtoROW 6-8 JUNE 2018,

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Presentation on theme: "Indoor Rowing EXPO #teachingtheNationtoROW 6-8 JUNE 2018,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Indoor Rowing EXPO #teachingtheNationtoROW 6-8 JUNE 2018,
SHAYAMOYA INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE, KWADUKUZA, KWA-ZULU NATAL PROGRAMME: 6 June 2018 TIME ITEM BY WHOM 7h00 LOC/Volunteers/ KwaMashu team/ 7h30 Set-up and preps Volunteers & Ms Virginia Mabaso 8h30 Schools arrival: slot 1 Nkosi Albert Luthuli Sivananda/Stanger Manor/ Gledhow C/ Glenhills S/ Kearney P 9h00 Opening & welcome KwaDukuza Mayor: 9h10 Welcome Ilembe District 9h20 Address Kwa-Zulu Natal Sports Confederation: Mr Thami Mchunu 9h30 Ilembe Sports Confederation: Mr Hlaluka 8h40 Chair of the Local Organising Committee: Mr Sanele Mthiyane 9h40 Purpose of the event RowSA - Ms Virginia Funi Mabaso 9h50 Kwa-Zulu Natal Rowing Association: Mr Adrian Higgins 10h00 – 11h00 Indoor Rowing EXPO : slot 1 11h h00 Indoor Rowing EXPO: slot 2 Stanger H/ Stanger ML Sultan/ Stanger S/ Stanger South S/ Tshelenkosi S 13h00 – 13h30 LOC LUNCH 13h00 – 15h00 Indoor Rowing EXPO: Slot 3 Khuthalani CP/ New Guelderland/ Stanger P/ Zakarriya H/ Groutville High 15H30 – 16H00 Debriefing session on the day & Planning for day 2 LOC #teachingtheNationtoROW

2 Indoor Rowing EXPO #teachingtheNationtoROW 6-8 JUNE 2018,
SHAYAMOYA INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE, KWADUKUZA, KWA-ZULU NATAL PROGRAMME: 7 June 2018 TIME ITEM BY WHOM 7h00 LOC/Volunteers/ KwaMashu team/ 7h30 Set-up and preps Volunteers & Ms Virginia Mabaso 8H00 Arrival: Visonview media crew & set up 8h30 Schools arrival: slot 1 Nonhlevu S/ Qoqulwazi S/ Guzane S/ Dunuphozo S/ Shakaskraal 9h00 Opening & welcome KwaDukuza Mayor: 9h10 Address Chair of the Local Organising Committee: Mr Sanele Mthiyane 9h20 Welcome to day 2 RowSA Vice President : Benjamin Akron 9h30 – 11h00 Indoor Rowing EXPO : slot 1 Nonhlevu S/ Qoqulwazi S/ Guzane S/ Dinuphozo S/ Shakaskraal 11h00 – 11h30 Mayors Rowing Challenge Sizwe Lawrence Ndlovu 12h h30 Indoor Rowing EXPO: slot 2 Mhlali prep S/ Sizani/ Mount Qurio/ Stanger Training/ Lloyd P 13h300 – 14h30 LOC LUNCH 14h30 – 15h30 MEC Crowing Challenge Ran by Sizwe Lawrence Ndlovu 15H30 – 17H00 Debriefing session on the day &/Planning for day 3 & selection for 200 over all for the Rowing Challenge LOC #teachingtheNationtoROW

3 Indoor Rowing EXPO #teachingtheNationtoROW 6-8 JUNE 2018,
SHAYAMOYA INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE, KWADUKUZA, KWA-ZULU NATAL PROGRAMME: 8 June 2018 TIME ITEM BY WHOM 6h00 Arrival of Mthatha & Queenstown Teams 7h00 LOC/Volunteers/ KwaMashu team/ 7h30 Set-up and preps Volunteers & Ms Virginia Mabaso 9h00 Opening & welcome KwaDukuza Mayor: 9h10 Address Chair of the Local Organising Committee: Mr Sanele Mthiyane 9h20 Welcome to day 3 RowSA: Ms Virginia Funi Mabaso 9h30 – 11h30 INDOOR ROWING CHALLENGE 200 SELECTED FROM THE 2 DAYS OF THE EXPO 12h00 – 13H00 LOC lunch LOC LUNCH 13-14H00 Arrival of the provincial teams NORTHEN CAPE/ LIMPOPO/ MPUMALANGA/ NORTH WEST/ FREE STATE 14h00-15h30 Opening Ceremony rehearsal All Provinces 15h30 – 16h30 SA CHAMPS ENTRIES CONFIRMATION/ NEW RELAY ENTRIES FOR KWADUKUZA TEAMS ALL PROVINCES 16H30-17H30 Debriefing session on the day & Planning for day 4 LOC #teachingtheNationtoROW

9 JUNE 2018, SHAYAMOYA INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE, KWADUKUZA, KWA-ZULU NATAL PROGRAMME: 9 June 2018 TIME ITEM BY WHOM 6h00 Arrival LOC/ Volunteers 7h00 – 8h00 All teams 8h00 – 9h00 Opening Ceremony All Teams 9h00 – 9h15 Opening & welcome MINISTER OR SRSA, KwaDukuza Mayor: & MEC 9h h25 Address Chair of the Local Organising Committee: Mr Sanele Mthiyane 9h25 – 9h35 Welcome to day 4 RowSA: Ms Virginia Funi Mabaso Cheryl Smart 9h35 – 13h30 SA CHAMPS INDIVIDUAL RACES ALL PROVINCES 13h00 – 14H00 lunch LUNCH 14H00 – 15H30 SA CHAMPS RELAY RACE 15h30-16h30 MEDAL CEREMONY ROWSA/MAYOR/MEC/ MINISTER OF SRSA 16h30 – 16h45 CLOSING Mayor/ Ilember District/Kwa-Zulu Natal department of sports /Ilembe Department of Education / MEC /RowSA 16H30-17H30 Debriefing session on the day LOC #teachingtheNationtoROW

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