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Welcome to the Riverside Key Club Ninth AND LAST Meeting May 29th 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Riverside Key Club Ninth AND LAST Meeting May 29th 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Riverside Key Club Ninth AND LAST 2017-2018 Meeting May 29th 2018

2 “I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions”

3 Summer Expectations Continue volunteering! Feel free to share ideas/events with Mrs. Papaleo and she will share with the club via Remind You can fill out/print a log from the club website if needed Think about how this year went – are you ready to make next year even better?! Then we hope to see you continue being a member in the fall. Need to prioritize your activities? We get it.. Do not feel pressure to continue being a member if it’s too much. If we do send out any events, specifically at Riverside in July/August please try to make it 

4 RVHS 9th Grade Leadership Conference
July 27th – Key Club is looking for session ideas & volunteers to come inspire our upcoming Freshmen! AND Back to school night! 8/20 varying times for schedule pick ups/Club Table etc

5 Key Club Website: Our Key Club Website always has upcoming opportunities AND the meeting PowerPoints uploaded! How to get there? Go to the Riverside High School home page  click on the ’Activities’ tab  scroll down and click on Key Club

6 How to be in the know! 1. Key Club Website Activities Pages on Riverside Website 2. Remind 101 to or link is on website And the Riverside Key Club Twitter 3. Come to the meetings! 4. Also be sure to share pictures so we can celebrate what members are doing & post it on social media If you are not signed up on Remind, have not seen the website, or haven’t been to a meeting you should reconsider if this is the right club for you. If you are passionate and contributing, you already know these exist!

7 NEXT KEY CLUB MEETING: When? NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!  We are still figuring out which day to have them Where? Auditorium whenever we can!  Participating in meetings is important so please speak up and show your passion!

8 Final Hour Logs Due Don’t forget as we move through Quarter 4 that you should have all of your culminating hours for the year on your logs This is also a good time to assess how this year went, and how next year can be even better for you as an individual and us as a Riverside club

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