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Texture mapping - other methods

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1 Texture mapping - other methods
CSE 681

2 Review Surface Texturing
u,v mapping: map 3D point within 3D surface Quadrilateral: inverse bi-linear mapping Spherical: e.g. lattitude-longitude Triangulated: barycentric coordinates Mip-mapping: pre-filter texture map Average texels, reduce resolution Index into appropriate map based on projected pixel size CSE 681

3 Environmental Mapping
Reflect the environment in on an object Use normal to index into texture Procedurally Reflection_color = f(R(u,v)) Table look-up Reflection_color = table(Rq(u,v),Rf (u,v)) CSE 681

4 Procedural Environmental Mapping
Simple: ray up is blue, ray down is brown Medium: use sinusoidals to interpolate between gray and silver for a chrome effect Complex: compute fractal intersection CSE 681

5 Environmental (table-based) Mapping
Use pre-constructed enclosing volume containing projected environment Hemi-cube or hemisphere Mip-mapping possible CSE 681

6 Environmental Mapping table construction by projection
CSE 681

7 Hemi-cube projection construction method
CSE 681

8 Hemi-cube image construction method
Use pictures - of sky, mountains, buildings, etc. CSE 681

9 Hemi-cube reflectance look-up
CSE 681

10 Examples CSE 681

11 Examples CSE 681

12 Examples CSE 681

13 Examples CSE 681

14 Examples CSE 681

15 Bump Mapping Modulate normals over surface to create visual effect of geometric detail CSE 681

16 Bump Mapping Use grey-scale image to define height field
Compute gradient of height field Use gradient vectors to modify normal Don’t really modify surface geometry – just pretend we do by modifying normal CSE 681

17 Bump Mapping Surface is displaced in direction of normal according to displacement in bump table, B(u,v) O(u,v) B(u,v) O’(u,v) + = B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface CSE 681

18 Bump Mapping Normal Vector
+ = B(u,v) O’(u,v) O(u,v) B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface Display: CSE 681

19 Bump Mapping CSE 681 B is height field O is original surface
O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface CSE 681

20 Bump Mapping Normal Vector
B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface

21 Bump Mapping Normal Vector
B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface

22 Bump Mapping Normal Vector
Assume B is small - too small to deal with B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface First term is N, last term == 0 CSE 681

23 Bump Mapping Normal Vector
B is height field O is original surface O’ is bumped surface Need normals of bumped surface First term is N, last term == 0 = N = D(u,v) = 0 CSE 681

24 Bump mapping examples CSE 681

25 Bump Mapping Example CSE 681

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