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Dilepton/Diphoton CSC activities

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1 Dilepton/Diphoton CSC activities
Samir Ferrag University of Glasgow ATLAS UK physics meeting, Durham, 9-11/01/2008

2 Introduction Big number of the Exotic Models
Exotic CSC notes: Encompassing all final state topologies to maximise the number of Exotic models to be tested simultaneously. 5 notes investigated We want it to be one of the first ATLAS Publications: ”Dileptons & Diphotons at high mass” 2 sides: Understand the Standard Model before looking for BSM Standard Model side: “Drell-Yan” Uncertainties from theory PDF,mfact,mren Corrections: K Factors, EW corrections… . Backgrounds: WW, tt, tt, ECal linearity, charge mis-id, W+jet, g-conversion Draw the uncertainty band of SM prediction and any deviation of this band signs new physics Exotic side S-channel resonances: Z’ ZH,ZKK G Virtual exchange of gravitons Leptoquarks, Leptogluons, Heavy scalars (Graviscalar, radion, heavy higgs..) If the first year collected luminosity will not be enough to discover new physics Limits on the different models will be included Wiki page: outdated

3 Status of the CSC note CSC note written Post-note activities:
Strategy: Detector  Standard Model New Physics Specificities. High energy performance and trigger investigated regarding the note and there is no reference notes for all of them (electrons, muons, taus and photons) Special exercise: grouping many new physics: G*, Technicolor and Z’… Post-note activities: Refine the CSC note Still lot of analysis tasks to do (long list) Many updates has been shown since we froze the draft

4 Contents of the CSC note

5 Post CSC… Electrons: Contamination: Jet electron, photonelectron Lack of efficiencies at high energy Reported in the note and meeting Need to develop the eID at high pt Linearity: Efficiency measurement from data Photons: Electron  Photo contamination Muons: Contamination Linearity Trigger: Menu and rates for L=1033, What should we use to tag dileptons ? 2e15i, combined e60+ simply high deposit ?… What are the trigger rates on s,b Improve the trigger menu (or slice): Is it e60 or something else (High Pt deposit).. Uncertainties: first attempt but need more investigations & agreement with others: Higher order corrections (EW, QCD, N**LL) Linearity Alignment Efficiencies Luminosity Backgrounds: Top, WW, W+jet, tautau, gamma conversion Fake rate: jet jet, gamma+jet Exotics: Statistical methods for resonances: S>>B ee: Z’, G*, ADD graviton,heavy scalars, LQ, LG, technicolor mumu: Z’, G*, heavy scalars, LQ, LG, technicolor Tautau: Photon-photon: G*, heavy scalars, Excited quarks. Disentangling the underlying models

6 Note Contents: Performances and Trigger (briefly!)

7 Electrons reconstruction
J. Morel, F. Ledroit

8 Muon reconstruction efficiencies
Performances: MC based method data based (TP ) extrapolated at high Pt Charge MisID Effect at high Pt: Radiation effects more important than minimum ionization effects E. Thompson, J. Love, S. Willocq & J. Butler

9 Alignment in muon reconstruction
6 degrees of freedom x,y,z, 8 configurations are investigated. Each one obtained by performing a random translation on the 6 variables using a gaussian of : 40,100,…,1000 Nominal configuration corresponds to 40  C. Helsens & CEA

10 Performances: photons
High energy photons from Gravitons in RS model Contamination from jets < 10-3 H. Hadvand, B. Kahoe, K. Dinda

11  High Pt  from Z’ decay
Efficiencies after removing the overlaping electrons and muons Hadronic taus T. Vickey, Z. Czyczula

12 Trigger: egamma Matthew’s talk M. Tamsett, A. De Santo
X. del Popolo, M. T. Dova Matthew’s talk

13 Trigger: muons L1 trigger:
K. Black L1 trigger: Barrel: incomplete trigger coverage regarding high precision chambers () Structure and Feet ()

14 Trigger:  T. Vickey, Z. Czyczula

15 Note Contents: Uncertainties on the Standard Model

16 Limits of the Standard Model
PDF uncertainties: CTEQ PDF sets Generator and Reconstructed level mll,,*… QCD NLO…K-Factor Factorisation and QCD renormalisation scale To be completed by the work presented this morning F. Heinmann, S. Ferrag

17 Uncertainties: summary

18 Note Contents: Search of New Physics

19 Z’ee Exotic physics probed:
Higher gauge groups, Extra-Dimensions, Dynamic breaking symmetry (Little Higgs) fit based approach Same parameterization for ee and signals BW(m,1)*Landau(m,2) Parameterization works for both e and  CLs method used for sensitivity estimation Combining e and m channels to be done L. Flores

20 G* ee Exotic: Extra-dimensions in Randall-Sundrum geometry
N. Zhou Exotic: Extra-dimensions in Randall-Sundrum geometry Non parameterized CLs method (mclimit code by T. Junk)

21 Z’tt T. Vickey, Z. Czyczula Complete analysis including Drell-Yan, Di-jets, tt, Z+jets, W+jets, but only Z’ 600 GeV In the CSC note: Only lep-had was investigated MET Object-Based Updates: lep-lep and had-had 1 fb-1 Combined sensitivity MET RefFinal used lep-lep: b-tagging required to lower the tt background Only visible mass is reconstructed (low stat at 1fb-1)

22 Z’tt II Had-had channel:
Promising channel 1fb-1 using visible mass only Event counting: S/sqrt(B) Low statistics in full simulation for all backgrounds  difficult to estimate systematics T. Vickey, Z. Czyczula

23 Exotics: G*  Exotic physics: ExtraDimensions in
Randall-Sundrum geometry Sensitivity using Event counting: S=2(Sqrt(S+B)-Sqrt(B)) H. Hadvand, B. Kahoe, K. Dinda

24 Technicolor in  Probed Exotics: Technicolor Snow Mass Models
J. Butler, J. Love Probed Exotics: Technicolor Snow Mass Models T,T,T Statistics: Event Counting Non parameterized CLs Bayesian methods (D0)

25 Conclusion Dilepton/Diphoton CSC:
Big number of Exotic models to be tested (or excluded!) simultaneously. We want it to be one of the first ATLAS Publications: ”Dileptons & Diphotons at high mass” Draft of the CSC note written: Detector performances, Standard Model and search of Exotics All the works inside has been developed for the CSC note Post-note activities: Still lot of analysis tasks to do (long list) Many updates has been shown the last meeting UK contribution

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