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Introduction to Course and Summer Reading Assignments 10D

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1 Introduction to Course and Summer Reading Assignments 10D
Week 4: September 26th – 30th Introduction to Course and Summer Reading Assignments 10D

2 Rm. 407 Door 10D Front of Room - Board Silent Do Now: Get in Dress Code and take backpacks off desk! Please take out your HW (cultural perspective description) In your Do Now Notebook (use the back, if available), label the date “Monday, Sept. 26th, 2011” and title this as “Do Now”. Then please respond the following in 1-2 complete sentences: What do you think a theme of “Air Mail” is? Explain. What do you think a theme of your summer reading text is? Explain. Trevon Yamile Cassandra Imani Lorena McHenley Natalie N. Erick Lennin Amanjat Beverly Jamesly Joelle Jason Nathy Victor Lilliana Davnys Tommy Emiliano

3 Objective: by the end of this lesson…
Monday, September 26th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”; 2. Identify and explain a theme in the short story “Air Mail”; 3. [if time] describe and explain the expectations of the Summer Reading Brochure Project Silent Do Now: Get in Dress Code and take backpacks off desk! Please take out your HW (cultural perspective description) In your Do Now Notebook (use the back, if available), label the date “Monday, Sept. 26th, 2011” and title this as “Do Now”. Then please respond the following in 1-2 complete sentences: Remind yourself of what “Air Mail” was about. What do you think a theme of “Air Mail” is? Explain. What do you think a theme of your summer reading text is? Explain.

4 Objective: by the end of this lesson…
Monday, September 26th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”; 2. Identify and explain a theme in the short story “Air Mail”; 3. [if time] describe and explain the expectations of the Summer Reading Brochure Project Homework: Finish the description of the theme section of your brochure project Agenda: Do Now … (5 min) Review objectives and agenda … (2 min) Theme Lesson … 8 min Identify a Theme … 8 min Summarizer … 6 min Review brochure expectations … 10 min. Brochure theme description … remainder of period

5 Theme (noun) Name: ______________________________
Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. you will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”. Name: ______________________________ Theme (noun) My current level of understanding (circle one): Describe theme in your own words (without copying off the slide): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please draw a picture that illustrates theme and demonstrates you understand this term’s meaning:

6 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1
Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. you will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”. Now my level of understanding (circle one): Brainstorm two themes from “Air Mail”. Describe each below. Now choose one of your themes and describe it, explain why you think it is a theme from the story, and explain how it develops throughout the text. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Theme [noun] A theme is an idea that is developed throughout a text.
Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. you will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”. A theme is an idea that is developed throughout a text. A theme is a message about life or human nature that the author is trying to convey to his/her reader throughout a work of fiction. A theme is not stated outright by the author; rather it is implied. Readers infer what the theme of a text is; it is like a puzzle that they have to figure out. It is our job as readers to closely read a text in order to figure out what the theme of a story is. There are often more than one themes in a work. As readers, it is up to us to figure out our own interpretation of what the work conveyed to us; this Is based off of our knowledge of other readings, our world view, and our knowledge of the world and human nature. Since each of us has a different perspective, we may identify different themes in the same text. A theme is NOT a one word topic (example: family, war, etc.) But a topic can be made into a theme; “not all families are made up of blood”. A theme is NOT a cliché (an overused saying). Examples: “All’s fair in love and war.” Do you have a better way of thinking about this concept?

8 Theme: the main idea or message an author is trying to convey to his/her reader!
This is what we have to work to figure out as readers. Actual meaning: the actual events of the story Author

9 Summarizer Complete on a separate sheet of paper: Identify a theme of your summer reading book. Do this by answering the following: What is a theme from your text? In other words, what message is your author trying to convey to his/her reader? Explain why this is a theme in your book? Include information about your characters, the events of the book, etc. How does this theme develop throughout your story? Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. you will be able to discuss the characters, plot, and connections of the short story “Air Mail” by participating in a small group discussion using their BOUNCE cards; 2. Identify and describe the cultural perspectives of Anirudh and Tommy in “Air Mail”

10 Summarizer T H E M Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. you will be able to discuss the characters, plot, and connections of the short story “Air Mail” by participating in a small group discussion using their BOUNCE cards; 2. Identify and describe the cultural perspectives of Anirudh and Tommy in “Air Mail”


12 Rm. 407 Door 10D Front of Room - Board Silent Do Now: Get in Dress Code and take backpacks off desk! Please take out your HW (cultural perspective description) In your Do Now Notebook (use the back, if available), label the date “Monday, Sept. 26th, 2011” and title this as “Do Now”. Then please respond the following in 1-2 complete sentences: What do you think a theme of “Air Mail” is? Explain. What do you think a theme of your summer reading text is? Explain. Trevon Yamile Cassandra Imani Lorena McHenley Natalie N. Erick Lennin Amanjat Beverly Jamesly Joelle Jason Nathy Victor Lilliana Davnys Tommy Emiliano

13 Review objectives and agenda … (2 min) Theme Lesson … 15 minutes
Monday, September 26th, 2011 (double block) Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to describe and illustrate the term “theme”; 2. Identify and explain a theme in the short story “Air Mail”; 3. describe the expectations of the Summer Reading Brochure Project; 4. Summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions. Agenda: Do Now … (5 min) Review objectives and agenda … (2 min) Theme Lesson … 15 minutes Identify a Theme of “Air Mail” … 10 minutes Summarizer … 8 minutes Review brochure expectations … 10 min. Part I: Brainstorming with group … 10 minutes Brochure Graphic Organizer work time! … (30 minutes) Homework: Find 4-5 pictures/ drawing/photos!

14 Silent Do Now: Get in Dress Code and take backpacks off desk!
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions by discussing the graphic organizer of your Summer Reading Brochure project. Silent Do Now: Get in Dress Code and take backpacks off desk! Please take out your English binder and leave your HW in the right hand corner of the desk. Label the date “Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 2011” and title this as “Do Now”. Then please respond the following in 2-3 complete sentences each: What questions do you have about the brochure project? Which section (i.e., summary, theme, cultural perspective, essential question) of the brochure do you think will be easiest to do? Why? Which section will be most difficult to do? Why? Finished? Read through your Do Now notebook feedback and update your table of contents!

15 Objective: by the end of this lesson…
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions by making a brochure on your summer reading book. Agenda: Do Now … 6 minutes Review objectives and agenda … 2 minutes Announcements … 6 minutes Work with your group to complete the graphic organizer … 25 minutes Summarizer … 8 minutes Homework: Find 4-5 pictures/ drawing/photos by Friday Finish graphic organizer! Write a rough draft of your summary

16 Like Water For Chocolate: Group #1: Lorena, Imani, Natalie
Group #2: Emiliano, Marie, Cassandra A Thousand Splendid Suns Beverly, Lennin, Davnys, McHenley, Behind the Mountains: Jason, Erick, Amanjot Life of Pi: Nathy The Book Thief: Group 1: Yamile, Victor, Joelle, Tommy Group 2: Jamesly, Lilliana, Trevon Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions by making a brochure on your summer reading book.

17 Group Work Brainstorming
In order to gain more ideas for our brochures you will be discussing the Brochure guidelines with the other students who read your summer reading book. We will be following the below guidelines: Look through each section of your graphic organizer Begin with section two: summary. Each group member shares out his/her summer with the group. If a peer mentions something you do not have written on your paper, write it down. Do the same thing for sections three, four, and five When you are finished, raise your hand so Ms. Breindel can show you samples of last year’s brochures. Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions by making a brochure on your summer reading book.

18 For this project 10% of your Brochure grade is based off of how productive and professional you are during work days. You will earn this grade by: Being respectful, kind, focused, productive, and professional during the discussion. Tracking and listening to the speaker. Not being distracting, talking, or making side comments. Participating in the discussion with meaningful and insightful comments. Effort and ‘trying’ counts when participating. Having body language that conveys that you are on-task; listening and speaking, and fully engaged. Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, explain a character’s cultural perspective, and describe how your summer reading book connects to one of the four class essential questions by making a brochure on your summer reading book.

19 Read through the binder check rubric in your folder.
Tuesday, September 27th, Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure. Silent Do Now: DO NOT READ THROUGH THE DO NOW FEEDBACK IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. Please take out your English binder and from your INBOX take out last night’s HW (graphic organizer and rough draft of summary), place in the right hand corner of the desk. In your Do Now Notebook, label the date “Wednesday, September 28th, 2011” and title this as “Do Now”. Read through the binder check rubric in your folder. Look through your notebook. Does it earn an ‘A’? If so, why? If not, what do you need to do to be ready for Friday’s binder check? Also write this on the back of the rubric! If you are missing materials, raise your hand for an index card and write what materials you need (with your name on it). Finished? Read through your Do Now notebook feedback and update your table of contents!

20 English Binder Check #1 – Friday, Sept. 30th
Please place this sheet inside your binder in front of the Unit 1 tab. Criteria Category Criteria for Binder Points Materials Student has the following materials: A binder with a cover page containing his/her name, class, Ms. Breindel’s name Loose leaf paper located behind tabs 6-8 tabs ________/4 Assignments Student has all assignments in binder as listed on the Unit 1 Table of Contents ________/10 Table of Contents All assignments are neatly and accurately listed in the table of contents with the correct page numbers ________/5 Page numbers All pages in the binder are accurately labeled at the bottom of each page and are placed in the correct order behind the Unit 1 tab. All pages are three hold punched in notebook. ________/6 Tabs Tabs are correctly labeled “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”, “Unit 3”, “Midterm”, “Unit 4”, “Unit 5”, “Unit 6”, “Final” Please note that “Midterm” and “Final” tabs are optional TOTAL: ________/30

21 My to do list for organizing my English Binder:

22 Find 4-5 pictures/drawings/photos --- due Friday!
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure. Agenda: Do Now Announcements Independent Work Time! Summarizer Homework: Find 4-5 pictures/drawings/photos --- due Friday! Have a rough draft (typed!) of ALL sections of your brochure project (finish CW), then write essential questions for HW.

23 Announcements Bathroom policy
You may only use the bathroom (WITHOUT an emergency pass) once per week. This means that you are going during independent work time, partner work time, and/or group work time NOT during the Do Now or Direct Instruction. Three hole punch these and keep in notebook. It is your responsibility that you do not loose them. You need to keep track of this yourself. Not doing so will result in a lowered citizenship grade. Tardy policy. You must have a pass in order to be excused when you enter class. If you do not, it will be considered unexcused. We need to respect this space. We have been leaving the room disorganized; this is something that we need to improve on. Last day to finish the Mock MCAS and Summer Reading Test is tomorrow during lunch or after school. If you do not New system

24 Warning – verbal or “look”
Check on clip board – citizenship goes down One check = citizenship goes down one point Two checks = citizenship goes down another point Three or more checks - After school meeting with Ms. Breindel Parent phone call home Blue slip

25 Things that earn a warning or check…
Not following instructions/redirections the first time they are given Calling out Being out of your seat without permission Not working on the Do Now within the time limit set Anything that is disrespectful or unprofessional Head down on desk Not having your pencil down when I say, “all pens and pencils down…” Not cleaning up your space at the end of class Still taking after I call your attention during group work, partner work, etc. Not following class procedures/protocol (example: going to the bathroom more than once per week)

26 If you earn a check, you have three choices…
Accept the check and say nothing (no noise, no slamming on the desk, etc.) Respectfully disagree by silently putting hand and discussing AFTER class. I will not discuss this during class time. Anything other than above is another check Tuesday, September 27th, Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure.

27 Independent Work Time You need to write a rough draft of the summary, theme, and cultural perspective sections of your project for the remainder of this class period. For tonight’s homework you need to find 4-5 pictures and write a rough draft for the Essential Questions portion of your project. Please set a goal on a sticky note for what you hope to accomplish during this class period. ___________________________________________________________________________ You may not use a laptop until your graphic organizer is completely filled out. You must not be surfing the internet at this time. Please use your to type up your work; WORD does not save it!! Tuesday, September 27th, Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure.

28 Independent Work Time Expectations
For this project 10% of your Brochure grade is based off of how productive and professional you are during work days. You will earn this grade by: Working productively on the Summer Reading Brochure Rough Draft silently and independently Focused, in your seat, and not distracting others Being respectful of your peers by not needing any reminders from Ms. Breindel or your peers to work silently or to stay focused Following directions for work time Tuesday, September 27th, Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure.

29 Summarizer Draw a line below today’s Do Now in your notebook. Label this entry as “Summarizer” with today’s date, “Wed., Sept. 30th”. Then answer the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. What two (or more!) things did you accomplish today? Did you accomplish the goal you set for today’s period? What do you need to complete by Friday? Tuesday, September 27th, Objective: by the end of this lesson… 1. You will be able to summarize the plot, describe a theme, and explain a character’s cultural perspective by writing a rough draft of these sections for your Summer Reading Brochure.

30 Make sure you are in dress code and backpack off your desk.
Friday, September 30th, 2011 (double block) Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to connect one of the course’s essential question. Evaluate a peer’s summary, theme, and character cultural perspective rough drafts. Silent Do Now: Make sure you are in dress code and backpack off your desk. Please take out the Brochure Project guidelines, your graphic organizer, and your rough draft of your brochure. Leave these in the right hand corner of your desk. Look through your English Binder and ensure that it is organized to turn in for today’s Binder Check… Is your table of contents filled out completely? Finish any last minute organization of your binder. Double check that you have the rubric in front of the Unit 1 Tab for me to use when I check your binder… Finished? Update your table of contents and organize your binder!

31 Bring in ALL sections complete on Monday in the template!
Thursday, September 29th, 2011 (double block) Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to one of the four course essential questions. Evaluate a peer’s summary, character cultural perspective, theme, and essential question connection paragraphs based on the criteria for success. Agenda: Do Now Announcements Independent Work Time! Summarizer Peer Revision Homework: Bring in ALL sections complete on Monday in the template!

32 English Binder Check #1 – Tuesday, Oct. 4th
Please place this sheet inside your binder in front of the Unit 1 tab. Criteria Category Criteria for Binder Points Materials Student has the following materials: A binder with a cover page containing his/her name, class, Ms. Breindel’s name Loose leaf paper located behind tabs 6-8 tabs ________/4 Assignments Student has all assignments in binder as listed on the Unit 1 Table of Contents ________/10 Table of Contents All assignments are neatly and accurately listed in the table of contents with the correct page numbers ________/5 Page numbers All pages in the binder are accurately labeled at the bottom of each page and are placed in the correct order behind the Unit 1 tab. All pages are three hold punched in notebook. ________/6 Tabs Tabs are correctly labeled “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”, “Unit 3”, “Midterm”, “Unit 4”, “Unit 5”, “Unit 6”, “Final” Please note that “Midterm” and “Final” tabs are optional TOTAL: ________/30

33 My to do list for organizing my English Binder:

34 Thursday, September 29th, 2011 (double block)
Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to a theme. You will be able to describe the cultural perspective of your summer reading book. Evaluate a peer’s summary, character cultural perspective, theme, and essential question connection paragraphs based on the criteria for success.

35 Independent Work Time You need to write a rough draft for your essential questions section of your brochure. ___________________________________________________________________________ You may not use a laptop until your graphic organizer is completely filled out. You must not be surfing the internet at this time. Please use your to type up your work; WORD does not save it!! Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to a theme. You will be able to describe the cultural perspective of your summer reading book.

36 Independent Work Time Expectations
For this project 10% of your Brochure grade is based off of how productive and professional you are during today’s work day. You will earn this grade by: Working productively on the Summer Reading Brochure Rough Draft silently and independently Focused, staying in your seat, and not distracting others Being respectful of your peers by not needing any reminders from Ms. Breindel or your peers to work silently or to stay focused Following directions for work time Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to a theme. You will be able to describe the cultural perspective of your summer reading book.

37 Summarizer Draw a line below today’s Do Now in your notebook. Label this entry as “Summarizer” with today’s date, “Friday, Sept. 30th”. Then answer the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences. What do you need to complete by Monday? What did you accomplish this class period? What citizenship grade do you think you earned for today’s class period? WHY? Did Ms. Breindel have to remind you to stay on task? Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to a theme. You will be able to describe the cultural perspective of your summer reading book.

38 Thursday, September 29th, 2011 (double block)
Objective: by the end of this lesson… You will be able to describe how your summer reading book relates to a theme. You will be able to describe the cultural perspective of your summer reading book. You will be able to evaluate a peer’s summary, character cultural perspective, theme, and essential question connection paragraphs based on the criteria for success.

39 Reviser’s Name: _____________________________ Author’s Name: ______________________
Directions: For this peer review activity you will be working with a partner to review/check each other’s work. Follow the guidelines below to complete this peer review activity. Trade seats with your partner. Read your partner’s work and make sure that he/she has met all of the criteria for the assignment. Criteria for Summary Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criterion and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision or improve this criterion. 1. Work has three paragraphs written about the book.Each paragraph is at least 5 complete sentences long. 2. The first paragraph discusses what the beginning of the book is about, the second paragraph describes the main conflict of the book, and the last paragraph describes how the conflict is resolved and how the book ends. 3. Brief descriptions of the major characters are given. 4. The summary does not give too much or too little detail. Warm Feedback: The part of your introduction that I liked the best was… I thought this was a strong part of the summary because…

40 Criteria for Culture and Cultural Perspective
Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. This section is at least one paragraph long (5 complete sentences). 2. Work explains what culture is represented in your book and explain the cultural perspective of the characters or the author. 3. Work explains what you learned about this culture from reading the book. 4. Work cites at least one specific example from the text to prove his/her point (not necessarily a quote). 5. Work includes transitions and a logical presentation of ideas. Warm Feedback: Tell the writer which specific parts of the paragraph were the best and why. Cool Feedback: Tell the writer what he she should do to clarify/expand their writing– what would make the paragraph more clear, or easier to understand?

41 Yes: My partner met the criteria
Criteria for Theme Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. This section is at least one paragraph long (5-6 complete sentences). 2. There is a topic sentence that identifies one important theme from your book. This theme fits the definition we discussed in class (not a topic or cliché!) 3. In at least 3 sentences, there is an explanation of why this is an important theme. 4. Work identifies one quote from the book that connects to this theme. 5. Work includes transitions and a logical presentation of ideas. Warm Feedback: Tell the writer which specific parts of the paragraph were the best and why. Cool Feedback: Tell the writer what he she should do to clarify/expand their writing– what would make the paragraph more clear, or easier to understand?

42 Criteria for Essential Question Connection
Yes: My partner met the criteria No: My partner did not meet the criteria and needs to address this criteria in his/her revision 1. This section is at least one paragraph long (5-6 complete sentences). 2. Work has one essential from the course typed up that is being answered. 3. Work explains in at least 3 sentences how this book connects to this course essential question. 4. Work made interesting and insightful connections between the big ideas (themes) identified in their summer reading book and one of the essential questions. 5. Connections are developed clearly and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the ideas of the text. Warm Feedback: Tell the writer which specific parts of the paragraph were the best and why. Cool Feedback: Tell the writer what he she should do to clarify/expand their writing– what would make the paragraph more clear, or easier to understand?

43 Peer Review Reflection and Revision Plan
{Author of work’s} Name: _______________________ Reviser’s Name: _______________________ Peer Review Reflection and Revision Plan Directions: Read the feedback your partner gave you on the first draft of your essay. Then answer the following questions and devise a revision plan for the final draft of your essay. Part One: Reflection 1. The piece of feedback my partner gave me that was most helpful was… 2. This feedback gave me ideas for revising… 3. The piece of feedback that was least helpful was…

44 Revision Plan The parts of the essay My Revision Plan: What are you going to do in each paragraph to make your essay e even better by Thursday? Paragraph One: Introduction Paragraph Two: Body Paragraph One Paragraph Three: Body Paragraph Two Paragraph Four: Conclusion

45 BINDERS. 10D Bathroom policy Fix calling out. Debrief “Air Mail” Introduce brochure project Discussion about summer reading text Work period.

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