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Essential Questions How can states, districts, and educator preparation programs work together to ensure equitable outcomes for diverse learners? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Questions How can states, districts, and educator preparation programs work together to ensure equitable outcomes for diverse learners? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 EQUITY FOR ALL: Colorado’s Commitment to Outcomes for Diverse Learners April 23, 2019

2 Essential Questions How can states, districts, and educator preparation programs work together to ensure equitable outcomes for diverse learners? What changes need to be made to educator preparation practices and policies to ensure that teachers and leaders are prepared to serve diverse learners such as students with disabilities or English Language Learners?

3 TURN AND TALK How is your organization (SEA, LEA, or EPP) acting on its commitment to equity for all learners? Where is there room for improvement? 10 minutes

15 minutes MELISSA BRYDON—Regis UNIversitY

5 Colorado context Colorado has made a significant commitment to strengthening instruction and supports for culturally and linguistically-diverse (CLD) learners. This commitment supports goals in the state equity plan.

6 Colorado ELL educator preparation STANDARDS
Display program matrix showing English Language Learner educator preparation standards.

The team crosswalked Colorado standards with evidence- based practices from the CEEDAR Innovation Configuration (IC) for English Language Learners. Adapting to the Colorado context is important—ICs serve the standards, not the other way around. Crosswalks help make the IC process useful for upcoming program reauthorization reviews.

8 Innovation configurations Can Tell You…
The types of instruction and experiences candidates receive that promote the use of evidenced-based instructional practices. The number and depth of practice opportunities candidates have to deliberately apply these strategies with explicit feedback and sustained implementation to ensure fidelity.

9 WHY Innovation Configurations?
Tool provides a common language Process provides a reflection opportunity that is larger than any one instructor or course Part of broader scale-up efforts in Colorado and nationally Internal priorities and continuous improvement

10 What is the relationship between the Matrix and the Innovation Configurations?
The educator preparation matrix defines the standards. The IC provides a streamlined process and tool to tell you where within the program the standard is covered and to what level of depth.

11 PROCESS at REGIS Colorado Department of Education releases requirements for IHEs regarding Culturally Linguistically Diverse teacher preparation Crosswalk was created using CLD matrix and Innovation Configuration for ELL Students Using the crosswalk, program coordinators reviewed course syllabi in graduate elementary, secondary, and special education programs We then used the crosswalk to map existing CLD courses offered by our MAE in CLD program to select courses that would meet the required standards Attendees can review the matrix where we mapped the course outcomes to the standards to determine which courses two select for our programs

12 WHAT’s NEXT? Develop additional crosswalks in other topic and content areas Develop guidance for EPPs on how to use the crosswalks and CEEDAR tools to help facilitate program reflection and improvement at various points in the program lifespan

13 Discussion activity 1.) We want to engage in comprehensive program redesign or create a new program with a focus on equity for all learners. 2.) We want to refine or adjust an existing an existing program to strengthen the focus on equity for all learners (internal review). 3.) We are coming up for reauthorization and need to demonstrate our program’s focus on equity for all learners (external review). 4.) Others? Facilitated Discussion (20 minutes) –Lindsey Poll: Poll the room using the following statements to get a sense of the reasons why people are interested in program review with a focus on equity. These are likely groups that will emerge but we can create more if needed: We want to engage in comprehensive program redesign or create a new program with a focus on equity for all learners. We want to refine or adjust an existing an existing program to strengthen the focus on equity for all learners (internal review). We are coming up for reauthorization and need to demonstrate our program’s focus on equity for all learners (external review). Others as needed Small Group Discussion: In your affinity groups, discuss your current needs related to equity within your program. How can the tools and processes demonstrated in this session be applied to your context? Whole Group Share Out: Share out and facilitate connections across groups.


15 Vision for inclusive principal Leadership
Colorado’s current work related to school leaders Emerging work through the Advancing Inclusive Principal Leadership (AIPL) initiative

16 Discussion activity What work is currently underway in your state/district/EPP context related to preparing school leaders with a focus on equity and inclusion? Facilitated Discussion (20 minutes) –Lindsey Pair Rotations: Participants will pair off to discuss work currently underway in their context related to preparing school leaders with a focus on equity and inclusion. Pairs will share for 4 minutes. There will be 3 total pair rotations. Whole Group Share Out: Share out with the whole group.

17 CLOSE OUT What should I share with my state team?
What are my lessons learned from this session? Who should I connect with later? When will that happen? 10 minutes

18 DISCLAIMER This content was produced under U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Award No. H325A David Guardino serves as the project officer. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or polices of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned in this website is intended or should be inferred.

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