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Another “hot” war in the Cold War

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1 Another “hot” war in the Cold War
The Vietnam war Another “hot” war in the Cold War

2 What was going on in Vietnam before the war?
a French colony Ho Chi Minh (communist leader) pushed the French out in 1954 Vietnam divided in half: North Vietnam - communist under Ho Chi Minh South Vietnam - ruled by corrupt Ngo Dinh Diem who was very unpopular makes this area weak vulnerable to communism


4 But why did America get involved?
America was still following the foreign policy of containment and did not want communism to spread into South Vietnam Also, Eisenhower believed in the domino theory if Vietnam fell to communism then the rest of Asia would fall as well In the beginning America did not send troops to fight, just training the Vietnamese so they could fight the Vietcong (North Vietnam soldiers) also called “Charlie”

5 Johnson deals with Vietnam
While Kennedy was in office, the US had assisted in the assassination of Diem By the time Johnson comes along the war has escalated and so had American involvement Being advised by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara The North Vietnamese attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin leading Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – Congress gave away its power of declaring war gave Johnson authority to do whatever he wanted in Vietnam

6 Operation Rolling Thunder
Air raids over North Vietnam hoping to get a surrender Vietcong use guerilla warfare by hiding in the jungle To combat this the US used a chemical spray called agent orange that used to kill the vegetation, robbing the Vietcong of their hiding spots in the jungles Another weapon was napalm which was a gelatin gasoline mixture that stuck to the skin of its target and burns away the skin


8 Fighting the Vietnam War
General Westmoreland many had been drafted under Selective Service System extremely hard time fighting: lost in the jungles climate/environment Vietcong often brought fight into the streets caused many civilians to be killed in the process… didn’t help the anti-war sentiment back home

9 Tet Offensive North Vietnam began fighting in the streets of Siagon
Proved the Vietcong were not backing down war would not end easily

10 The Home-Front In 1970, four Kent State students were killed (by Ohio National Guard) when the peaceful protest went bad Huge anti-war sentiment because Americans did not understand why US was involved watched unproductive combat on TV Some were pacifists (Doves) Didn’t like that soldiers had been drafted Even some soldiers were against the war


12 Nixon and the Vietnam War
Wanted “peace with honor” Supported Vietnamization But he bombed Cambodia without Congress or the American people knowing in advance which will lead Congress to repeal the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Congress then passed the War Powers Resolution the president may commit troops to a foreign war for only 60 days without Congressional approval

13 My Lai Massacre US troops were looking for Vietcong in the My Lai village and ended up killing 400 civilians in the process Lieutenant in charge was put on trial for murder charges Led to even more anti- war protesting

14 Pentagon Papers Papers included a history of American involvement in Vietnam most of which took place without the American people knowing or Congress NY Times was going to publish the papers but Nixon tried to block it Supreme Court ruled in NY Times vs. US allowing the papers to be published

15 The War Ends Peace talks between US and North Vietnam were unsuccessful Finally in 1973 the US, South Vietnam and North Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords agreed to cease-fire withdrawal of American troops in South Vietnam return of Prisoners of War (POWS) The war for America was over but the war between North and South Vietnam raged on until the Fall of Siagon to North Vietnam leading South Vietnam to surrender Vietnam was reunited under communism


17 Impact of Vietnam War 58,000 Americans dead 2 million Vietnamese
Communism spread into Laos and Cambodia Power of the President to make war and intensify war was put under question Public trust in the government at an all time low Memorial constructed in 1982

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