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Smart Cities & Communities Policy Context

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1 Smart Cities & Communities Policy Context
Information Day on Smart Cities & Communities Horizon 2020 23 September 2016, Brussels Andreea Strachinescu Head Of Unit, unit C2, DG Energy

2 Cities – Key for Europe 78% of EU‘s population lives in cities.
2 Cities – Key for Europe 78% of EU‘s population lives in cities. 85% of EU‘s GDP is generated there. Cities deliver on jobs, growth, investments, innovation and CO2 reduction, to name a few ... Today 78% of European citizens live in cities, and 85% of the EU’s GDP is generated in cities. Many European cities are forerunners in the much-needed transition towards a low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy. Cities are central to delivering on key challenges for Europe’s society and economy: jobs, growth and investment, innovation, energy efficiency, low-carbon development and CO2-reduction - to name a few.

3 2020 2030 Cities – Drivers of policy Energy Union
20% less greenhouse gases 20% renewable Energy 20% Energy savings 40% less greenhouse gases 27% renewable Energy 27% Energy savings Energy Union

4 The Energy Union's 5 dimensions
4 The Energy Union's 5 dimensions 1. Energy security, solidarity and trust, 2. A fully integrated internal energy market, 3. Energy Efficiency first, 4. Transition to a long-lasting low-carbon society, When the slide is loaded, click once to start the automatic animation, which will show the logo with the 5 guiding dimensions and after that all lines of text with a 0,5 seconds delay each. 5. An Energy Union for Research, Innovation and Competiveness.

5 The Energy Union's 5th dimension
Research & Innovation Developing EU technological leadership in low carbon technologies by reducing energy consumption, developing renewable sources, empowering consumers and boosting growth and jobs.

6 The Energy Union's 5th dimension in practise
6 The Energy Union's 5th dimension in practise Integrated SET Plan, including Smart Cities and smart financing Initiative on EU global technology and innovation leadership Strategic transport research and innovation R&I agenda

7 Political commitments without EU funding
7 Stakeholders Cities & Regions Industry Research Associations etc. … Covenant of Mayors Political commitments without EU funding Smart Cities & Communities EU Initiatives CIVITAS Green Digital Charter CONCERTO SCC-EIP Market Place Commitments Implementation without EU funding Lighthouse Projects Implementation & replication with EU funding Smart City Information System

8 Sustainable Growth & Jobs
8 Global Covenant Of Mayors EU context International DG ENER, DG REGIO, FPI, DG DEVCO & EEAS Political Leadership (no EU funding) EU Funding Initiatives & Programmes Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy DGs ENER, CLIMA & JRC Sustainable Growth & Jobs Technology Smart Cities & Communities DG ENER, DG MOVE & DG CNECT Financing/Funds Elena Facility EIB & IFI Juncker Plan EC European Structural & Investment Funds DG REGIO

9 Loans & Guarantees Other
9 Grants Loans & Guarantees Other European Structural and Investment Funds European Funding Programmes Project Development Assistance ERDF Cohesion Fund ESF EAFRD EMFF Vehicles LIFE Urban Innovation Actions URBACT III CIVITAS Activity Fund Territorial Cooperation Horizon 2020 ELENA EIB ELENA KfW Horizon 2020 Call EE22 JASPERS EIAH CLLD ITI Financial Instruments Advisory (fi-compass) Financial Instruments Financial Institutions Financing EFSI Municipal Loans Deep Green (PF4EE) NCFF EEEF Alternative Financing Schemes EPC Crowd-Funding Soft Loans, Guarantees Revolving Loan Funds On Bill Financing Covenant of Mayors - Quick Reference Guide

10 European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
The Juncker Plan European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) Focus on: removing obstacles to investment, providing visibility and technical assistance, making smarter use of new and existing financial resources. Three areas: mobilising investments of at least €315 billion in three years, supporting investment in the real economy, creating an investment friendly environment. 10

11 Why Smart Cities and Communities?
11 Why Smart Cities and Communities? Challenges Fragmented markets Lack of new business models and financing solutions Need for knowledge sharing and capacity building Markets are often fragmented, missing out on their full economic potential. Many innovative solutions require new business models and financing solutions for decreasing risk. Since demand for better infrastructures and services is high and still increasing but public budget is under pressure, knowledge needs to be shared effectively and capacities developed.

12 Why Smart Cities and Communities?
12 Why Smart Cities and Communities? Opportunities Improving quality of live, competitiveness and sustainability Exporting European knowledge in a strong growth market estimated globally at €1.3 trillion in 2020 Linking and upgrading infrastructures, technologies and services in key urban sectors (transport, buildings, energy, ICT) in a smart way will improve quality of life, competitiveness and sustainability of our cities. This is a strong growth market, estimated globally to be worth €1.3 trillion in a great export market for European business.

13 What we do Together we develop and implement solutions
13 What we do Together we develop and implement solutions facilitate networking and partnering accumulate and share knowledge build capacity focus on Energy, Transport and ICT The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities is an initiative supported by the European Commission bringing together cities, industry, SMEs, banks, research and other smart city actors.

14 EIP The 6 Action Clusters 4000 partners, 370 commitments,
14 EIP The 6 Action Clusters 4000 partners, 370 commitments, 31 countries. It is all about scale, acceleration, impact, common solutions, integrated approaches and collaboration. ‘Commitments’ are our projects. We have 370 with 4000 partners from 31 countries. Commitments are measurable and concrete smart city engagements/actions from public and private partners. 6 Action Clusters focus on specific issues related to smart cities. They all build on synergies to help efficient implementation and replication of commitments/solutions. They explore new fields of activities and business models. Our Action Clusters meet regularly. These meetings provide the opportunity to network and collaborate with leading smart city actors allowing for new perspectives and insights. It’s all about scale, acceleration, impact, common solutions, integrated approaches and collaboration. Action Clusters (from top clockwise): Citizen Focus, Integrated Planning, Policy & Regulation, Sustainable Districts & Built Environment, Sustainable Urban Transport, Integrated Infrastructures & Processes, Business Models

15 General roadmap Past Future
15 Smart city ecosystems for replicable high impact solutions General roadmap Growing the community Scaling up successful commitments 4000 partners in 370 commitments Strategic Implementation Plan The next months will build on what has been achieved so far and critical mass is needed to deliver. It is thus highly recommended and necessary to invite the audience to get actively involved at ( last slide!). Gap analysis Fragmented Smart Cities market Past Future

16 16 Agenda for 2016 100 cities will collaborate in different groupings to align and subsequently bundle demand for tested solutions. 100 key industry partners will cooperate with these cities in developing innovative solutions, the respective business models and innovative financing solutions to de- risk city investments and benefit SME growth. General Assembly on 24 May 2016 in Eindhoven

17 General Assembly on 24 May 2016 in Eindhoven
17 General Assembly on 24 May 2016 in Eindhoven Associated event of the Dutch Presidency of the European Council. Participation of Commissioner Violeta Bulc, the Dutch Minister for Infrastructure and the Environment Melanie Schultz von Haegen and Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission. Focus on finance and investments. Over 400 participants

18 Outlook 2017 Potential new and more focused call for commitments
Further scale-up of the initiatives Re-launch of the High Level Group New interactive and collaborative tools for the Market Place's web site Next General Assembly mid of 2017 18

19 Why being involved? Practical knowledge sharing Capacity building
19 Why being involved? Practical knowledge sharing Capacity building Partnering for EU or other projects Bundling of demand enables easier access to all funding sources Gaining visibility for your city, project, association, company, etc.

20 How to join? Create a public profile at Join an existing commitment or an initiative. Join an Action Cluster to provide your specific expertise on a certain issue. 20

21 Thank you! Get involved at!
Get involved at

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