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Better with Augmented Reality

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2 Better with Augmented Reality
INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Better with Augmented Reality


4 Augmented Reality makes things safer.

5 Augmented Reality makes processes faster.

6 Augmented Reality makes processes precise.

7 Augmented Reality makes things easier.

8 Augmented Reality makes things better.

9 Augmented Reality leads to more savings.

10 Augmented Reality leads to more productivity

11 Augmented Reality leads to more ROI

12 Now let’s see how.


14 Assembly

15 Glanceable instructions in your field of view
Step by Step Workflows Associated Technical Drawings Procedure Video Work with connected objects and tools View and capture photos and videos Interact with 3D models of equipment Use voice to record material numbers Auto create report as you complete assembly

16 Or Speak Out Maintenance

17 Maintenance

18 Evolves you from Paper Based Procedures to AR & Computer Based Procedures
No Steps are skipped or performed out of sequence Automatic Data Collection & call to action Next Step is signalled only after completing procedure Awareness of proper safety measures to be taken Correct Component Verification Makes Initial Conditions (of components) Clear Makes it easier to verify correct component response Click on a component, a drop-down menu will give you the choice to enter a work request, see assigned work, perform an inspection, and do a lock out/tag out on the equipment Maintenance

19 Maintenance Monitor live data on the plant floor
Customize your mobile applications to increase efficiency for your maintenance tasks With ERP-integration and Augmented Reality you are provided with all needed information and efficient guidance throughout the job. Reduce error rates Minimize walking distances Eliminate paper-based workflows Maintenance

20 Remote Maintenance

21 See What I See? Remote Maintenance
Better Communication between Remote PST (Problem Solving Teams) & On Site technicians Enabling not just verbal instructions but ability to draw over video/photo and direct the problem solving remotely. Expert Support Via Telepresence. The expert sees what the field technician / operator see Access to technical information in the right place at the right time. Physical assets scanned to bring up the exact document view needed for the task at hand. Reduce task time and error rates by keeping reference information in view First time fix rates are significantly higher Multiple Junior Technicians can be supervised by 1 senior technician Remote Maintenance

22 Inspection

23 Inspection 3D AR overlay of the component Capture anomalies in build
Record Video & Images of the Component Make annotations Publish a paperless report to the cloud in real time Reduce the 2 and fro between paper checklist and machine parts. Flexibility. Mobility Inspection

24 Parts Inventory

25 Parts Inventory Vision Assisted Picking
Reduce Picking Errors & Search Times Inventory data updated in the ERP Automatically Automate processes for re-order or notifications Provide additional information for every item Parts Inventory

26 Training

27 Training Interact with 3D Component Model Overlaid on Physical One
You can see internal components which are usually hidden from normal view. Makes you more familiar and at comfort in learning Find Instructions & Annotations overlayed in a sequence in your line of sight Autocorrect Modes. Records every step and can help provide real time assessment. Very visual, interactive and real time way of learning. With full control and agency to the learner. Results in higher information retention rates Increases speed of learning considerably Training

28 Safety

29 Safety Indication of Dangerous Locations
Radiation Information: distance to source, source strength Real Time Danger Alerts Risk assessment by projecting Preventive Measures, derived from real time machine data analysis Used in conjunction with real safety training tools & procedures adding another layer of data, information and visual understanding Safety

30 Take photos of parts and assemblies
Take photos of parts and assemblies. Compare in realtime to 3D overlay provided by suppliers. Features that are out of specifications get higlighted. Apply correction measures based on the provided dynamic live statistics and inspection reports covering error classifications and images of the end of line inspections. Checklists in your line of sight,, with real time marking, error reporting and documentation via photo, video, voice, audio or notes. Quality Assurance

31 Compliance

32 Compliance Complete safety checklists
Document critical steps and create audit trails Compliance

33 Emergency Response

34 What would you call a technology that makes things safer, easier, better, more productivity, savings & ROI

Better with Augmented Reality

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