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Do Now 2.7 (Week 23) Objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 2.7 (Week 23) Objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 2.7 (Week 23) Objectives:
Be able to define fertilization and zygote. Describe how chromosome number changes during sexual reproduction. Identify the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual. Task: If an organism is 2n=4, how many different combinations of chromosomes are possible in its n=2 gametes?

2 Fertilization: n + n = 2n Fertilization is the process of haploid gametes combining to form a diploid cell, called a zygote. Zygote: a fertilized egg cell able to develop into a new individual

3 It all Starts With Meiosis
Human meiosis: 2n = 46  n = 23 How many different combinations of chromosomes can meiosis produce in humans? Without any mutations, what is the total number of genetically distinct offspring two individual parents can produce?

4 Meiosis & Fertilization Example
2n = 4 dad 1n = 2 sperm 2n = 4 zygote MEIOSIS MAKES GAMETES FERTILIZATION MAKES ZYGOTE 2n = 4 mom 1n = 2 egg In humans, any two parents can produce over 64,000,000,000,000 (64 trillion) combinations of chromosomes with meiosis and fertilization.

5 Why Sex? What is the biggest genetic advantage of sexual reproduction?
To the fish video (PBS evolution library)

6 To the interwebs!

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