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Earth Science Weather & Water

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Science Weather & Water"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Science Weather & Water
Ms. Longo Earth Science Weather & Water

2 9/21

3 Agenda Elevator to Space online activity Vocabulary
Revisit Earth’s Atmosphere questions Vocabulary Focus question revisit Notebook review for test HW: Study for Test Wednesday

4 Do Now Notebook maintenance Copy Weather
Color Air Composition Pie Chart Open your NB to the Elevator to Space chart when done

5 Elevator to Space km Altitude Temperature Density of Atmosphere
Mass of Atmosphere (%) Gasses 0.0 .4 .9 2.3 5.3 8.9 11.0 20.0 39.8 85.0 371.0

6 9/22

7 Agenda Charts Vocabulary Focus question revisit
Notebook review for test HW: Study for Test Wednesday

8 Do Now Record weather Copy Charts into your NB

9 9/23

10 Agenda Earth’s Atmosphere Questions revisit Vocabulary
Focus question revisit Notebook review for test HW: Study for Test

11 Do Now Record weather Earth’s Atmosphere Questions revisit

12 Vocabulary Atmosphere Troposphere Exosphere Variable gas Mesosphere
Permanent gas Stratosphere Thermosphere

13 Focus question revisit
Revisit the FQ 2.2: What is the atmosphere?

14 9/24

15 Agenda Review for test Test: I Check 1-2

16 Look for important/main ideas in your NB to share with your group
Do Now Look for important/main ideas in your NB to share with your group

17 Notebook review for test
Table groups will write important (key) points and or drawings on paper to be posted. Copy the main ideas shared in class into your notebook.

18 Vocabulary Review these words:
Air Pressure Compress State Expand Weight Mass Matter Particle

19 ClassDojo 10 pts due Monday
HW ClassDojo 10 pts due Monday

20 Key Points Make sure you have these key points:
Air has mass and takes up space Air is made of particles; compressing the air pushes the particles closer to each other; expanding the air or moves them farther apart.

21 Key Points Make sure you have these key points:
Earth is surrounded by a layer of gases called the atmosphere. The troposphere is the part of the atmosphere where weather happens. It contains most of Earth’s air.

22 Test I-Check 1-2 Bubble letters a-d for your choice normally.
For answers 1-7, use the following key: A=f B=g C=h D=J Write your answer to #12 on the back of the answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE QUESTION PAGE

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