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Stress Management through the subtle system

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1 Stress Management through the subtle system
reducing stress : a subtle technique Stress Management through the subtle system c o n e t meditation... page 1 of 60 get connected !

2 reducing stress : a subtle technique
What is Stress ? “ in day to day life we frequently face difficult situations that create physical, mental and emotional pressure.” page 3 of 60 get connected !

3 a feeling of not being able to cope
reducing stress : a subtle technique stress is anything that causes fear, anxiety, worry, apprehensions, anger, even aggression a feeling of not being able to cope page 4 of 60 get connected !

4 Gap between what someone wants to achieve and final outcome
reducing stress : a subtle technique presentation: stress management Common cause in most stress situations what someone wants to achieve certainty of the final outcome Gap between what someone wants to achieve and final outcome page 9 of 60 get connected ! get connected !

5 The Stress Impact !! poor memory reduced concentration
reducing stress : a subtle technique The Stress Impact !! poor memory reduced concentration physical health problems sleeplessness mood swings / aggression reliance on drugs breakdown in self-confidence and self-image page 11 of 60 get connected !

reducing stress : a subtle technique THE EPIDEMIC OF THE NEW MILLENIUM !!! page 12 of 60 get connected !

7 reducing stress : a subtle technique
If activated too often, the stress response may harm the Immune system, Brain and Heart page 13 of 60 get connected !

reducing stress : a subtle technique STRESS !! prolonged stress (and trauma) DEPRESSION CHRONIC DISEASE page 15 of 60 get connected !

9 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Effects of Stress on Brain Function: Basal Ganglia Intelligence & Personality When we are not stressed blood flows to the front section of the brain, allowing us to perform optimally When stressed blood leaves the front section and goes to the back section of the brain, where defensive, aggressive behaviour stems from page 16 of 60 get connected !

10 2 stress hormones are released
reducing stress : a subtle technique In response to stress... Basal Ganglia Intelligence & Personality 2 stress hormones are released adrenalin cortisol Adrenalin programs the body for “fight or flight” Cortisol wipes out memory page 17 of 60 get connected !

11 In response to stress... reducing stress : a subtle technique
Basal Ganglia Intelligence & Personality reduced flow of cerebral spinal fluid to the brain, meaning less oxygen and vitamins reaching the brain page 18 of 60 get connected !

12 The Stress Impact – The Ripple Effect...
reducing stress : a subtle technique The Stress Impact – The Ripple Effect... ...understanding the world as a set of related systems... page 20 of 60 get connected !

13 it must be easy and accessible to everyone !
reducing stress : a subtle technique What defines a successful stress management technique??? It must: recharge the central nervous system create a break in thoughts it must be easy and accessible to everyone ! page 21 of 60 get connected !

14 called the “Subtle System”
reducing stress : a subtle technique Many problems – one solution Activate our own Inner Energy System called the “Subtle System” through meditation page 22 of 60 get connected !

15 What is the Subtle System??
reducing stress : a subtle technique What is the Subtle System?? the world runs through systems: system of government education system our body runs through systems: circulatory system digestive system page 23 of 60 get connected !

16 ...there is another system,
reducing stress : a subtle technique ...there is another system, an intelligent energy system that manages and runs all the systems within the body and we can connect to it through meditation page 24 of 60 get connected !

17 The Subtle System reducing stress : a subtle technique
Consists of 7 energy centres and 3 energy channels... ..that govern our mental, physical and emotional health – and our personality traits. page 25 of 60 get connected !

18 reducing stress : a subtle technique
The Channels: Central Channel: present self-awareness thoughtless awareness Right Channel: future actions planning over aggressive dominating Left Channel: past hang-ups emotions desires depression psychosomatic diseases page 26 of 60 get connected !

19 reducing stress : a subtle technique
The Channels: Para Sympathetic Channel: relaxes the energy centres restores energy Left Sympathetic Channel: tightens the energy centres consumes energy Right Sympathetic Channel: tightens the energy centres consumes energy page 27 of 60 get connected !

20 Let’s look at how these energy centres are connected to our health
reducing stress : a subtle technique Let’s look at how these energy centres are connected to our health page 28 of 60 get connected !

21 1ST energy centre – pelvic plexus
reducing stress : a subtle technique 1ST energy centre – pelvic plexus transparency innocence logic reproductive organs excretion organs page 29 of 60 get connected !

22 2nd energy centre – aortic plexus
reducing stress : a subtle technique 2nd energy centre – aortic plexus kidneys liver pancreas spleen lower abdomen creativity intelligence concentration page 30 of 60 get connected !

23 3rd energy centre – solar plexus
reducing stress : a subtle technique 3rd energy centre – solar plexus peace satisfaction relief from stress and tension self mastery will power to overcome addiction balanced life stomach intestines spleen pancreas liver page 31 of 60 get connected !

24 4th energy centre – cardiac plexus
reducing stress : a subtle technique 4th energy centre – cardiac plexus lungs circulatory system heart creation of anti bodies fearlessness confidence respect page 32 of 60 get connected !

25 5th energy centre – cervical plexus
reducing stress : a subtle technique 5th energy centre – cervical plexus throat neck mouth teeth face nose self belief self esteem communication teamwork page 33 of 60 get connected !

26 6th energy centre – optic chiasma
reducing stress : a subtle technique 6th energy centre – optic chiasma forgiveness compassion positive thinking peaceful attitude pineal or pituitary gland (secretion of stress hormones) page 34 of 60 get connected !

27 7th energy centre – limbic area
reducing stress : a subtle technique 7th energy centre – limbic area integration intuition 6th sense protection limbic area page 35 of 60 get connected !

28 common diseases reducing stress : a subtle technique page 36 of 60
fulfilment paranoia sugar diabetes hypertension heart attack cancer asthma forgiveness self esteem love / compassion peace / self mastery creativity innocence page 36 of 60 get connected !

29 reducing stress : a subtle technique
What is Meditation ? connecting to a dormant energy that brings us into balance and thoughlessness page 37 of 60 get connected !

30 ...experienced as self aware in the present thoughtless self mastery
reducing stress : a subtle technique ...experienced as being; self aware in the present thoughtless self mastery connected to our true self page 38 of 60 get connected !

31 Benefits... reducing stress : a subtle technique page 42 of 60
Self worth Improved self-discipline Able to deal with pressure Improved mental focus and memory Overcome habits and addictions Strengthened immune system Become dynamic and more creative Emotional well being page 42 of 60 get connected !

32 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research – Drug Abuse A study conducted at the University of Vienna by Dr Hackl showed highly significant effects of Yoga Meditation on drug consumption. The study used a retrospective questionnaire in 501 Yoga Meditators of which 268 people had used drugs before starting with the meditative practice. The retrospective questonnaire showed that 97% of chronic drug consumers stopped taking drugs, most of them at the beginning of the Meditation practice, i.e. 42% after the first week of meditation, 32% after the first months (Hackl, 1995). page 45 of 60 get connected !

33 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research – Drug Abuse Continued… page 46 of 60 get connected !

34 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research – Drug Abuse Continued… page 47 of 60 get connected !

35 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research – Drug Abuse Continued… A reduction of drug consumption was observed both for heavy and light users: [light users] [heavy users] page 48 of 60 get connected !

36 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research – Drug Abuse Continued… In 93% of cases, the duration of abstinence could be assessed, and lasted for several years. [long term users] page 49 of 60 get connected !

37 reducing stress : a subtle technique
Scientific Research (anxiety) (state) (trait) A study conducted at the University of Vienna found a significant beneficial effect of Yoga Meditation on state and trait anxiety in healthy adults. The group who received Meditation showed a significant reduction in their levels of state and of trait anxiety compared to both controls and to the group that listened to Mozart/Music. page 50 of 60 get connected !

38 to meditate... reducing stress : a subtle technique page 51 of 60
get connected !

39 “...prepare our minds to listen to the voice of the great silence...”
reducing stress : a subtle technique “...prepare our minds to listen to the voice of the great silence...” Mahatma Gandhi “...truth is the offspring of silent, unbroken meditation...” Sir Isaac Newton page 52 of 60 get connected !

40 Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary
reducing stress : a subtle technique Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary “…A state of consciousness in which the individual eliminates environmental stimuli from awareness so that the mind can focus on a single thing, producing a state of relaxation and relief from stress…” page 53 of 60 get connected !

41 Let’s Give it a Try ! reducing stress : a subtle technique
page 54 of 60 get connected !

42 I am love and compassion
reducing stress : a subtle technique Step #1 I am love and compassion page 55 of 60 get connected !

43 I am not guilty reducing stress : a subtle technique Step #2
page 56 of 60 get connected !

44 I forgive everyone and I forgive myself
reducing stress : a subtle technique Step #3 I forgive everyone and I forgive myself page 57 of 60 get connected !

45 please can I have the union with my true self
reducing stress : a subtle technique Step #4 please can I have the union with my true self page 58 of 60 get connected !

46 What do you feel? reducing stress : a subtle technique page 59 of 60
hot, cool, or tingling sensation on palms or the top of the head body feels light and relaxed calmer and more peaceful thoughts have slowed down page 59 of 60 get connected !

47 Thank You ! reducing stress : a subtle technique meditation...
page 60 of 60 get connected !

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