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The Flood: Global or Local?

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1 The Flood: Global or Local?
By Noah Bauer and Jenn Krygsheld For Sophomore Theology

2 Introduction  Welcome! Your task as a group will be to study the Biblical flood from Genesis and decide whether you think the flood was local (just the country/area Noah and the other people lived in) or global (the whole earth).

3 Task First, break your group in half. Half of your group will study local flood, and the other half will study global flood. Once both halves know enough about their topic, join back together as a group. Talk about each sides and form an opinion on if you think the flood in Genesis was global or local. Once you have decided, you will write some persuasive arguments down, and try to think of questions that would challenge a person with the opposite opinion. Once all the groups are finished we will have a class debate. 

4 Roles Local Flood Representatives: you will be researching the local flood position and presenting it to your group. Global Flood Representatives: you will researching the global flood position and presenting it to your group. Once you come back together as your full group you will need one member of each smaller group to present to the rest of the group. Once you decided on your stance, one person will be the scribe and write down your arguments for the rest of the class.

5 Processes Both Groups Read: The Flood Story In Genesis

6 Processes Local Flood Argument:
Local Flood Argument Article Read this article and take notes. Talk through it with your half-group members and form an opinion on the validity of their arguments based on this article and the Bible passage.

7 Processes Global Flood Argument Global Flood– 1 Global Flood-2
Read these articles and take notes. Talk through it with your half-group members and form an opinion based on this article and the Bible passage.

8 Debate  In  the second half of this webquest you will compile your evidence that lead you to the formation of your opinion and join a group of those holding similar standings. You will then engage in an organized and polite debate between the two groups.

9 Evaluation Beginning Developing Qualified Exemplary Score
Facts on Local Flood Group members read the materials but did not write anything down. Group members wrote 1 or 2 facts down, but showed no critical thinking. Group members wrote a few facts down and started thinking about whether or not they agree with the position. Group members wrote several facts about the local flood position and formed opinions on whether or not they agree with that position. Facts on Global Flood Group members wrote several facts about the global flood position and formed opinions on whether or not they agree with that position. Formed Group opinion and questions for other groups Group did not discuss the topic or develop questions. Group discussed at a surface level and wrote easy to answer questions. Group began conversing at a deeper level and wrote a few challenging questions Group discussed on a critical level and created challenging questions. Participation in the debate Individual did not involve in debate Individual was attentive but rarely engaged in discussion Individual spoke in debate and provided a few challenging topics Individual engaged in debate presenting relevant questions and responding to rebuttal

10 Conclusion After today did you change your opinion on anything? Often the world attempts to refute the bible using what they deem as “science” did you learn anything on how research and the bible can support one another?

11 Credits Local Flood Picture: Global Flood Picture: Processes Slid Picture:

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