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Directions: Interactive Notebook

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1 Directions: Interactive Notebook
Trim your completed maps Tape or glue them onto the left side of your notebook. Answer the questions for each map on the right side of your notebook.

2 Map #1: Answer Key EQ: How and why have the borders of Asia changed over time? EQ: How do you think the political borders of Asia relate to cultural and linguistic differences?

3 Map #2: Regional Map EQ: What is Eurasia and should it constitute as a part of Asia or be its own continent? EQ: How might regional areas reflect cultures in Asia?

4 Map #3: Physical Map EQ: What do natural resources have to do with conflict? EQ: How have physical boundaries manifested into cultural differences throughout the Asian continent?

5 Map #4: Asian Cities EQ: How has physical geography and religion impacted the rise of cities in Asia? EQ: How has geography impacted the development of Asian cities?

6 Map #5: Religious EQ: Where can you infer that there have been religious conflicts in Asia? EQ: Why have religious differences led to conflict in Asia?

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