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AP ECONOMICS: February 22

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1 AP ECONOMICS: February 22
Warm-up Draw a graphic organizer containing the AS curve shifters A.P. Economics Learning Target: In order to understand how equilibrium national output and price level are determined, I will analyze: (1) the nature of the aggregate supply (AS) curve; and (2) how aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) interact in the short run. I will know I have it when I can: (1) explain the different views about the shape of the AS curve; and (2) show on an appropriately labeled AD-AS graph how economic fluctuations impact equilibrium income and price level. See Module 18 (Aggregate Supply) Notes (HO from earlier) --”sticky” wages --three segment AS curve analysis --4 basic AD-AS graphs -positive D shock; negative D shock; positive S shock; negative S shock (creates stagflation) -begin Worksheet 19.1 (HO) Assignment Make sure you are caught up with GC unit assignments

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