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Cumulative effects of pressures and management

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1 Cumulative effects of pressures and management
Dr Laura Uusitalo Finnish Environment Institute SYKE "Marine environment and fisheries – applying the new CFP and environment policy together" workshop Brussels, Thursday 21 May 2015,

2 Number of individuals at age
Invasive species Food availability & competition Contaminants, litter Habitat quality & quantity Recruitment Individual size & health Predation Eutrophication, sea-floor integrity R Spawning stock Natural mortality Ecosystem state and fish stock productivity are tightly interlinked! Fishing mortality Spawning stock Number of individuals at age

3 Cumulative pressures: A Baltic example
Larger fish produce eggs that float higher up in the water column Lars Vallin, Anders Nissling. Maternal effects on egg size and egg buoyancy of Baltic cod, Gadus morhua : Implications for stock structure effects on recruitment. Fisheries Research, Volume 49, Issue 1, 2000, 21 – 37.

4 Experts believe management responses are cumulative as well

5 And so do models WGIAB report Gårdmark & Niiranen

6 Challenges How to integrate fisheries and environmental management more closely to maximize the benefits of synergy? How to take into account factors beyond direct management, e.g. climate change, in management planning? How to deal with the uncertainty about cumulative effects? Extreme precautionary approach  believe that every pressure will have cumulative effects, none of the management will?

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