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A Thursday December 13th May Do: Must Do: Morning Procedures:

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Presentation on theme: "A Thursday December 13th May Do: Must Do: Morning Procedures:"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Thursday December 13th May Do: Must Do: Morning Procedures:
Unpack your book bag and hang it up with NO TALKING! Place any forms in red basket Place SIGNED yellow folders beside red basket Make a lunch choice (new procedure) Write homework in agenda Must Do: This or That May Do: Independent Reading / AR Test Work on (HOW TO) Writing

2 Homework!! Reading 20 minutes Social Studies: Finish Reading Passage
Math: Assigned in class

3 This or That

4 Social Studies -Introductory Video on WORLD POWER!
-Take notes and turn in as a grade. obqh40mw7qdGrRYcnKEszB0ch9Cr?ogsrc=32

5 Reading -Read aloud -Review reading independently
-Review Daily 5 (changed grouping)

6 Daily 5 (rotation 1) IXL Word Work Passage Reece’s Pieces Independent
Reading IXL Word Work Passage Reece’s Pieces Harris Luke Maggie Sadiqq Skye Sienna Josh Dalton Genesis MJ Azaeya Cailin Dallas Kaitlyn Savannah Micah Miracle Natalie Luis Aayden Jackson Nylah Gio

7 Daily 5 (rotation 2) IXL Word Work Passage Reece’s Pieces Independent
Reading IXL Word Work Passage Reece’s Pieces Kaitlyn Miracle Natalie Sadiqq Skye Savannah Micah Harris Luke Maggie Sienna Azaeya Dallas Cailin

8 Math -- Practice Problems 1/5 + 2/5= 1/7 + 5/7= 7/8 + 6/8=

9 A presentation by Math Doodles
Unit: Fractions A presentation by Math Doodles

10 Improper Fractions

11 Mixed Number

12 Common Factor

13 Greatest Common Factor (GCF)




17 Benchmark Fractions To estimate the sum or difference of two fractions, you are going to replace each fraction with the nearest half of whole number.



20 LCM ______________________________________________





25 Writing - HOW TO PAPER that is themed around winter or Christmas!
- Working on 3 paragraph. I will meet with the following people today: Gio & Miracle

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