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Heading 1: Arial 12 pt bold This is Arial 10 pt and has a line spacing of 1.1, it might be appropriate for the introductory-level text for your A0 poster.

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Presentation on theme: "Heading 1: Arial 12 pt bold This is Arial 10 pt and has a line spacing of 1.1, it might be appropriate for the introductory-level text for your A0 poster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heading 1: Arial 12 pt bold This is Arial 10 pt and has a line spacing of 1.1, it might be appropriate for the introductory-level text for your A0 poster. STUDENT SNAPSHOT Name: Nikola Ninković Country: Slovenia University: University Of Maribor Subject: Faculty Of Energy Technology Level: Undergraduate??? IDEA: Replacement Heating Product Production THE IDEA To manufacture and distribute a range of new efficient heating products to a wide range of users. With increasing demand coming from the need for the households in the city of Pljevlja to replace their obsolete and inefficient heaters in line with the planned upgrades to the citys thermal power plant and its heating system, there is an opportunity to produce and sell modern heating equipment at cheap prices to Montenegro and potentially expand sales into the Balkan market. This would be the first business of its kind in Montenegro. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT There is a forthcoming demand for our modern heater products but as yet no local competition with no facilities for production in the north of Montenegro and the city of Pljevlja. This area requires heating 7 months of the year and the need for new energy efficient heaters is constantly growing with the catalyst being the planned modernisation and upgrade of the citys power which produces approx 30% of the countries energy. There is currently only one heating product supplier based in Serbia with annual profit of 20m Euros. ADDED VALUE The city of Pljevlja is one of the most polluted cities in the world and the introduction of new efficient heating products would significantly reduce the levels of harmful emissions, improving image and quality of life. Due to heaters currently being imported they are high in price, producing them locally will reduce the cost giving the business a competitive advantage on price. The new production facility will also provide employment, improving economic development and provide sustainability for the city. Case Study 3 NIKOLA NINKOVIĆ Replacement Heating Products

2 EXPERT FEEDBACK Nikolas business idea is constantly upgrading with new guidelines. Business plan is materialized constantly, as well as presentations made by the Nikola to motivate other students to realize their business ideas. MARKET The target groups will be companies, schools, hospitals, Thermoelectric Power Pljevlja, coal mine, power station, public urban institution as all these customers will be required to replace their outdated, poor quality equipment as the first part of the heating system upgrade in Pljevlja town. Sales will be on a variety of scales depending on the speed and desire of each customer segment to upgrade. Due to the localisation of our manufacturing site we will have cheaper production and shipping costs leading to very competitively priced products on the market. STUDENT VIEW As there are no local competitors, we believe this project will be a success, using existing retailers to display and sell our products. We will develop and expand output, the introduction of innovative methods and attempts to obtain greater efficiency of products such costs of production and all in accordance with European regulations and strict environmental standards. Good organization of work, skilled workers and high quality products will ensure we become one of the most successful companies in the region, with high sales and employment. WHAT NEXT… In the summer this year the student founded his own company in Montenegro. Nikola is currently engaged with the possibilities of obtaining start-up grants in Montenegro, through which he would run his business. He is also at full speed to prepare for the IEE call, in the summer of 2012 th. He is also delivering numerous presentations in the context to stimulate investment and interest in the university incubator.

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